> listextract:
> listextract:
> listextract: fail
-> Failed: "extract" failed and "fail" requested
+> Failed: "listextract" failed and "fail" requested
> sort: 1:2:3:4
> sort: 4,3,2,1
> # Operators
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'acl' (min is 1)
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'acl' (min is 1)
> Failed: error from acl "a_nosuch"
> acl: (0) [] []
> acl: (1) [person@dom.ain] []
> substr:
> str2b64:YWJjZA==
> str2b64:VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIAogZm94
+> base64: YWJjZA==
+> base64: VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIAogZm94
+> base64d:abcd
+> base64d:The quick brown
+ fox
> strlen: 0
> strlen: 1
> strlen: 8
> # Error forms
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'hash' (min is 2)
> Failed: "nonnumber" is not a number (in "hash" expansion)
-> Failed: Too many arguments for "hash" (max is 3)
+> Failed: Too many arguments for 'hash' (max is 3)
> Failed: "-2" is not a positive number (in "substr" expansion)
> # Skipped operators
> Failed: unknown variable "post" after "def:"
> def:h_f n
> def:h_f n
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: curly-bracket problem in conditional yes/no parsing: 'yes' part did not start with '{'
+ remaining string is ':{y}{n}}'
> exists: y
> exists: n
> Failed: first argument of "extract" must not be empty
> b
+> a:b:c
+> Failed: missing '}' closing extract inside "map" item
+> a:b:c
> # Translation
> abcdea aaa xyz zbcdez
> # File insertion
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'readfile' (min is 1)
> abcde
> Failed: unknown condition "xya" inside "and{...}" condition
> Failed: condition name expected, but found "${lookup{x}lsear" inside "and{...}" condition
> Failed: missing } at end of string - could be header name not terminated by colon
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: curly-bracket problem in conditional yes/no parsing: did not close with '}'
+ remaining string is ''
> Failed: missing or misplaced { or } - could be header name not terminated by colon
> Failed: each subcondition inside an "or{...}" condition must be in its own {}
> Failed: missing } at end of condition inside "or" group