Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> routing userx@black-1.test.ex --------> lookuphost router <-------- local_part=userx domain=black-1.test.ex checking domains calling lookuphost router lookuphost router called for userx@black-1.test.ex domain = black-1.test.ex set transport smtp queued for smtp transport: local_part = userx domain = black-1.test.ex errors_to=NULL domain_data=NULL localpart_data=NULL black-1.test.ex [V4NET.11.12.13] translated to routed by lookuphost router envelope to: userx@black-1.test.ex transport: smtp host black-1.test.ex [] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> routing userx@myhost.test.ex --------> lookuphost router <-------- local_part=userx domain=myhost.test.ex checking domains calling lookuphost router lookuphost router called for userx@myhost.test.ex domain = myhost.test.ex set transport smtp queued for smtp transport: local_part = userx domain = myhost.test.ex errors_to=NULL domain_data=NULL localpart_data=NULL myhost.test.ex [V4NET.10.10.10] translated to V4NET.10.10.11 routed by lookuphost router envelope to: userx@myhost.test.ex transport: smtp host myhost.test.ex [V4NET.10.10.11] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> routing userx@ten-1.test.ex --------> lookuphost router <-------- local_part=userx domain=ten-1.test.ex checking domains calling lookuphost router lookuphost router called for userx@ten-1.test.ex domain = ten-1.test.ex set transport smtp queued for smtp transport: local_part = userx domain = ten-1.test.ex errors_to=NULL domain_data=NULL localpart_data=NULL ten-1.test.ex [V4NET.0.0.1] translated to other2.test.ex routed by lookuphost router envelope to: userx@ten-1.test.ex transport: smtp host other2.test.ex [V4NET.12.3.1] host other2.test.ex [V4NET.12.3.2] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> routing userx@other1.test.ex --------> lookuphost router <-------- local_part=userx domain=other1.test.ex checking domains calling lookuphost router lookuphost router called for userx@other1.test.ex domain = other1.test.ex set transport smtp queued for smtp transport: local_part = userx domain = other1.test.ex errors_to=NULL domain_data=NULL localpart_data=NULL routed by lookuphost router envelope to: userx@other1.test.ex transport: smtp host other1.test.ex [V4NET.12.4.5] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim version x.yz .... configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config admin user >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> routing userx@other99.test.ex --------> lookuphost router <-------- local_part=userx domain=other99.test.ex checking domains calling lookuphost router lookuphost router called for userx@other99.test.ex domain = other99.test.ex set transport smtp queued for smtp transport: local_part = userx domain = other99.test.ex errors_to=NULL domain_data=NULL localpart_data=NULL other99.test.ex [V4NET.99.0.1] translated to non-exist.test.ex >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp terminating with rc=1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>