# GnuTLS library error message changes
# GnuTLS library error message changes
#(dodgy test?) s/\(certificate verification failed\): invalid/\(gnutls_handshake\): The peer did not send any certificate./g;
s/\(gnutls_priority_set\): No or insufficient priorities were set/\(gnutls_handshake\): Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite/g;
s/\(gnutls_handshake\): \KNo supported cipher suites have been found.$/Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite./;
#(dodgy test?) s/\(certificate verification failed\): invalid/\(gnutls_handshake\): The peer did not send any certificate./g;
s/\(gnutls_priority_set\): No or insufficient priorities were set/\(gnutls_handshake\): Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite/g;
s/\(gnutls_handshake\): \KNo supported cipher suites have been found.$/Could not negotiate a supported cipher suite./;
s/ARC: AMS signing: privkey PEM-block import: error:\K[0-9A-F]{8}:(PEM routines):get_name:(no start line)/0906D06C:$1:PEM_read_bio:$2/;
# gnutls version variances
s/ARC: AMS signing: privkey PEM-block import: error:\K[0-9A-F]{8}:(PEM routines):get_name:(no start line)/0906D06C:$1:PEM_read_bio:$2/;
# gnutls version variances