Exim version x.yz ....
+Hints DB:
changed uid/gid: forcing real = effective
- uid=uuuu gid=CALLER_GID pid=pppp
+ uid=uuuu gid=CALLER_GID pid=p1234
configuration file is TESTSUITE/test-config
admin user
-DSN: r1 propagating DSN
+dropping to exim gid; retaining priv uid
originator: uid=CALLER_UID gid=CALLER_GID login=CALLER name=CALLER_NAME
sender address = CALLER@myhost.test.ex
Address testing: uid=uuuu gid=EXIM_GID euid=uuuu egid=EXIM_GID
--------> r1 router <--------
local_part=ph domain=mxt1.test.ex
checking domains
-DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) using fakens
-DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) succeeded
-DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) using fakens
-DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) succeeded
-local host has lowest MX
-host_find_bydns yield = HOST_FOUND_LOCAL (4); returned hosts:
- eximtesthost.test.ex ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 MX=5
-mxt1.test.ex in "@mx_any"? yes (matched "@mx_any")
-mxt1.test.ex in "+anymx"? yes (matched "+anymx")
+mxt1.test.ex in domains?
+ list element: +anymx
+ start sublist anymx
+ mxt1.test.ex in "@mx_any"?
+ ╎list element: @mx_any
+ ╎check dnssec require list
+ ╎check dnssec request list
+ ╎DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) using fakens
+ ╎DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) succeeded
+ ╎DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) using fakens
+ ╎DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) succeeded
+ ╎local host has lowest MX
+ ╎host_find_bydns yield = HOST_FOUND_LOCAL (4); returned hosts:
+ ╎ eximtesthost.test.ex ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 MX=5
+ ╎mxt1.test.ex in "@mx_any"? yes (matched "@mx_any")
+ end sublist anymx
+ data from lookup saved for cache for +anymx: key 'mxt1.test.ex' value '@mx_any'
+ mxt1.test.ex in domains? yes (matched "+anymx")
checking "condition" "${if match_domain{$domain}{+anymx}{yes}}"...
-DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) using fakens
-DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) succeeded
-DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) using fakens
-DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) succeeded
-local host has lowest MX
-host_find_bydns yield = HOST_FOUND_LOCAL (4); returned hosts:
- eximtesthost.test.ex ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 MX=5
-mxt1.test.ex in "@mx_any"? yes (matched "@mx_any")
-mxt1.test.ex in "+anymx"? yes (matched "+anymx")
+ mxt1.test.ex in "+anymx"?
+ list element: +anymx
+ start sublist anymx
+ ╎ mxt1.test.ex in "@mx_any"?
+ ╎ list element: @mx_any
+ ╎ check dnssec require list
+ ╎ check dnssec request list
+ ╎ DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) using fakens
+ ╎ DNS lookup of mxt1.test.ex (MX) succeeded
+ ╎ DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) using fakens
+ ╎ DNS lookup of eximtesthost.test.ex (A) succeeded
+ ╎ local host has lowest MX
+ ╎ host_find_bydns yield = HOST_FOUND_LOCAL (4); returned hosts:
+ ╎ eximtesthost.test.ex ip4.ip4.ip4.ip4 MX=5
+ ╎ mxt1.test.ex in "@mx_any"? yes (matched "@mx_any")
+ end sublist anymx
+ mxt1.test.ex in "+anymx"? yes (matched "+anymx")
calling r1 router
r1 router called for ph@mxt1.test.ex
domain = mxt1.test.ex
queued for t1 transport: local_part = ph
domain = mxt1.test.ex
- domain_data=NULL localpart_data=NULL
+ domain_data=@mx_any local_part_data=NULL
routed by r1 router
- envelope to: ph@mxt1.test.ex
- transport: t1
+ envelope to: ph@mxt1.test.ex
+ transport: t1
search_tidyup called
->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp (main) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1234 (fresh-exec) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>