> # Some fixed variables
> exim_path: TESTSUITE/eximdir/exim
+> exim_version: x.yz
+> config_dir: TESTSUITE
+> config_file: TESTSUITE/test-config
> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
> qualify_domain: myhost.test.ex
> bounce_return_size_limit: 102400
> spool_directory: TESTSUITE/spool
+> queue_name:
> Failed: unknown variable in "${unknown}"
> h_subject: (should be empty)
> h_subject: (should be empty)
> +
> +
+> eval: 0
+> eval: 1
+> eval: -1
+> eval: 1
+> eval: 2
+> eval: 7
+> eval: 9
+> eval: 4
+> eval: 6
+> eval: 42
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting number or opening parenthesis (after processing "")
+> eval: -2
+> eval: 1
+> eval: 1
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting closing parenthesis (after processing "-2 - (-3")
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting operator (after processing "-2 - -3")
+> eval: 1
+> eval: -5
+> eval: 1
+> eval: 40962
+> eval: 63
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting operator (after processing "0")
+> eval10: 77
+> eval10: 8
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting operator (after processing "0")
+> eval: 4
+> eval: 4
+> eval: 4
+> eval: 13
+> eval: 9
+> eval: 6
+> eval: 3
+> eval: 0
+> eval: 24
+> eval: 4608
+> eval: 4608
+> eval: -4608
> # List operations
> filter: "a:b:c"
> filter: a'c
> filter: ''a' ''c
> filter: ""
+> # check operation when the condition modifies the 'value' variable
+> E
> map: ""
> map: a:b:c
> reduce: +abc
> reduce: 6
> reduce: 9
+> # Check for extract corrupting reduce's
+> reduce: a , b
> listnamed: *.aa.bb : ^\Nxxx(.*)
> listnamed: *.aa.bb : ^\Nxxx(.*)
> listcount: 3
> listcount: 2
+> listextract: b
+> listextract: XcX
+> listextract:
+> listextract:
+> listextract: fail
+> Failed: "listextract" failed and "fail" requested
+> listquote: abcd
+> listquote: ab::cd
+> listquote: ::a::b::c::d::
+> listquote: ab::::cd
+> listquote: ab:cd
+> listquote: ab;;cd
+> listquote: ab cd
+> listquote: < >
+> sort: 1:2:3:4
+> sort: 4,3,2,1
+> sort: a:aa:B:c
+> sort: 10 smtp.ex.com:100 r2.ex.com:666 r99.ex.com
+> sort: 10,smtp.ex.com:100,r2.ex.com:666,r99.ex.com
+> sort: ""
> # Tests with iscntrl() and illegal separators
> map: 'a'
> # Operators
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
-> Failed: acl "a_bad" did not accept
-> acl: []
-> acl: [person@dom.ain]
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'acl' (min is 1)
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'acl' (min is 1)
+> Failed: ERROR from acl "a_nosuch"
+> acl: (0) [] []
+> acl: (1) [person@dom.ain] []
+> acl: (2) [firstarg] [secondarg]
+> acl: (1) [arg with spaces] []
> acl:
> acl:
-> Failed: acl "a_deny" did not accept
-> Failed: acl "a_deny" did not accept
-> acl: [1] [2] [3] [4]
+> acl: (0) [] []
+> acl: (1) [person@dom.ain] []
+> Failed: DEFER from acl "a_defer"
+> acl: (2) [new arg1] [top_arg_1]
+> acl: (1) [1] [] (1) [2] [] (1) [3] [] (1) [4] []
> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
+> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
+> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
+> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
+> addrss: local-part.dot-atom@dom.ain
+> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
> domain: dom.ain
> domain: dom.ain
+> domain: dom.ain
+> domain:
> addresses: ''abc@xyz' ''pqr@xyz
> addresses: local-part@dom.ain
> addresses: local-part@dom.ain+xyz@abc
> addresses: local-part@dom.ain:xyz@abc:p@q:r@s
> addresses:
+> Failed: output separator missing in expanding ${addresses:>}
-> escape: B7\267F2\362
-> eval: 2
-> eval: 7
-> eval: 9
-> eval: 4
-> eval: 6
-> eval: 42
-> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting number or opening parenthesis (after processing "")
-> eval: -2
-> eval: 1
-> eval: 1
-> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting closing parenthesis (after processing "-2 - (-3")
-> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting operator (after processing "-2 - -3")
-> eval: 1
-> eval: -5
-> eval: 1
-> eval: 40962
-> eval: 63
-> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting operator (after processing "0")
-> eval10: 77
-> eval10: 8
-> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting operator (after processing "0")
-> eval: 4
-> eval: 4
-> eval: 4
-> eval: 13
-> eval: 9
-> eval: 6
-> eval: 3
-> eval: 0
-> eval: 24
-> eval: 4608
-> eval: 4608
-> eval: -4608
+> escape: B7\267F2\362
+> excape8bit: undisturbed text tab
+newline tab\134backslash ~tilde\177DEL\200\201.
> expand: $primary_hostname myhost.test.ex
> hash: jmg monty fbWx
> hex2b64:MPPJPkZDbetYunCBao7BJA==
> hex2b64:ztcfpyNSMb7Tg/rP3EHE3cwi7PE=
-> The base62 operator is actually a base36 operator in the Darwin and Cygwin
+> headerwrap:
+> headerwrap:a
+> headerwrap:ab
+> headerwrap:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz
+> headerwrap_79:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ z
+> headerwrap:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ b
+> headerwrap:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz
+ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
+> headerwrap:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz
+ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
+> headerwrap:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz
+ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbz
+> headerwrap:12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
+ 1234567890123456789(100).67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
+ 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789(200).6789012345678901234
+ 567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
+ 789(300).678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
+ 901234567890123456789(400).678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
+ 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789(500).67890123456789012
+ 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789(600)
+ .67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
+ 78901234567890123456789(700).6789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
+ 901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789(800).678901234567890
+ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
+ 3456789(900).67890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
+ 5678901234567890123456789012
+> headerwrap_81_100:123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901
+ 23456789012345678
+> base32: 0 <>
+> base32: 1 <b>
+> base32: 31 <7>
+> base32: 32 <ba>
+> base32: 42 <bk>
+> Failed: argument for base32 operator is "0x1", which is not a decimal number
+> base32d: 0 0
+> base32d: 1 1
+> base32d: 31 31
+> base32d: 32 32
+> base32d: 42 42
+> Failed: argument for base32d operator is "ABC", which is not a base 32 number
+> the base62 operator is actually a base36 operator in the Darwin and Cygwin
> environments. Write cunning tests that produce the same output in both cases,
> while doing a reasonable check.
> mask:
> Failed: missing mask value in ""
> Failed: "a.b.c.d" is not an IP address
+> mask: 2a00.0002.0003.0004.0004.0000.0000.0000/79
+> mask: 2a00.0002.0003.0004.0005.0006.0007.0008/128
+> Failed: mask value too big in "2a00:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/129"
+> mask_n: 2a00:2:3:4:4::/79
+> ipv6denorm: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
+> ipv6denorm: fe00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
+> ipv6denorm: 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c0a8:0001
+> ipv6denorm: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:c0a8:0001
+> ipv6norm: ::1
+> ipv6norm: 2a00::
+> ipv6norm: 2a00::1
+> ipv6norm: 2a00:eadf::1:0
+> ipv6norm: 2a00:eadf:0:1::
+> ipv6norm: 2a00::
+> ipv6norm: 2a00:2:3:4:5:6:7:8trailing_text
> nhash: 19 0/61
> lc/uc: the quick BROWN FOX
> length: The quick abc
> lclpt: local-part
> lclpt: local-part
+> lclpt: local.part
+> lclpt: a.b.c
> quote: aZ09_.-Q "ab*cd" "abcd\"ef"
> quote: "nl(\n)"
> quote: "cr(\r)"
> quote_local_part: "abcd\"ef"
> quote_local_part: ""
> rxquote:aZ09\_\,\-Q ab\*cd abcd\"ef
+> hexquote: \x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x20\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x20\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x20\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x20\x20!"#$%&'\x20()*+,-./\x2001234567\x2089:;<=>?\x20@ABCDEFG\x20HIJKLMNO\x20PQRSTUVW\x20XYZ[\]^_\x20`abcdefg\x20hijklmno\x20pqrstuvw\x20xyz{|}~\x7f
> substr: ba 34 1
> substr: barb rhuba
> substr:
> substr:
> str2b64:YWJjZA==
> str2b64:VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIAogZm94
+> base64: YWJjZA==
+> base64: VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIAogZm94
+> base64d:abcd
+> base64d:The quick brown
+ fox
> strlen: 0
> strlen: 1
> strlen: 8
> # Error forms
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'hash' (min is 2)
> Failed: "nonnumber" is not a number (in "hash" expansion)
-> Failed: Too many arguments for "hash" (max is 3)
+> Failed: Too many arguments for 'hash' (max is 3)
> Failed: "-2" is not a positive number (in "substr" expansion)
> # Skipped operators
> # Numeric overflow
> # >32b should work, >64b not
-> 4096M y
-> 4096000000 y
-> 4611686018427387904 y
+> 1 > 2047M n
+> 1 > 2048M n
+> 1 > 4096000000 n
+> 1 > 4096M n
+> 1 > 4611686018427387904 n
> Failed: absolute value of integer "46116860184273879040" is too large (overflow)
> # Conditions
> 5>3m: n
> Failed: invalid integer "3z "
> Failed: integer expected but "a" found
+> Failed: integer expected but "${substr_2_2:65535}" found
> >0: n
> =: y
> Failed: unknown variable "post" after "def:"
> def:h_f n
> def:h_f n
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: curly-bracket problem in conditional yes/no parsing: 'yes' part did not start with '{'
+ remaining string is ':{y}{n}}'
> exists: y
> exists: n
> gei: y
> isip: y
+> isip: n 1.2.3
> isip4: y
> isip6: n
+> isip: n ::
+> isip4: n
> isip: n 1:2:3:4
> isip4: n 1:2:3:4
> isip6: n 1:2:3:4
> isip: y fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061
> isip4: n fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061
> isip6: y fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061
+> isip6: n fe80:a00:20ff:fe86:a061
+> isip: y fe80::
> isip: n rhubarb
> isip4: n rhubarb
> isip6: n rhubarb
+> isip6: n ::/100
+> isip6: n ::/foo
+> isip6: n ::/f o
> match: cdab
> match: cdab
> match: cdab
> Failed: "if" failed and "fail" requested
> match: cd[xyz]ab
+> # check for empty capture group
+> match: <>
> match_domain: yes
> match_domain: no
> match_domain: yes
> match_domain: no
-> >x@zz.aa.bb< [] >x@zz.aa.bb<
+> >x@zz.aa.bb< [zz] >x@zz.aa.bb<
-> >x@xxxabc< [] >x@xxxabc<
+> >x@xxxabc< [abc] >x@xxxabc<
> match_address: yes
> match_address: yes
> queue_running after or: y
> first_delivery after or: y
+> # acl expansion condition
+> acl if: Y:(0) [] []
+> acl if: Y:(1) [argY] []
+> acl if: N:(2) [argN] [arg2]
+> Failed: DEFER from acl "a_defer"
> # Default values for both if strings
> ${if eq{1}{1}} >true<
> # lookups that are required in all cases.
+> postmaster: CALLER
> ==X@Y
> ==*
> ==*@Z
> ==*
+> x@y ==X@Y
+> * ==*
+> *@z ==*@Z
+> * ==*
> data for a.b.c.d
> failed x.y.z
> data for *.p.q
> Failed: "lookup" failed and "fail" requested
> data for *
+> a.b.c.d: data for a.b.c.d
+> failed x.y.z
+> *.p.q: data for *.p.q
+> *.p.q: data for *.p.q
+> *.p.q: data for *.p.q
+> Failed: "lookup" failed and "fail" requested
+> *: data for *
> q1: "abc"
> q2: "xyz":
> q3: "pqr" :
> q6: "white space"
> q7: "b\\s"
+> q1f: abc "abc"
+> q2f: xyz: "xyz":
+> q3f: pqr : "pqr" :
+> q4f: a:b "a:b" abc continued data (make sure not key)
+> q5f: "quoted" "\"quoted\""
+> q6f: white space "white space"
+> q7f: b\s "b\\s"
> abc: abc
> a.b.c: *.b.c
> ab.c: *b.c
> xyz: ^X
-> Xyz: ^X
-> Zyz: ^Z
+> .Xyz: ^X
+> .Zyz: ^Z
> a b: "^a +b"
> a b: "^a +b"
> a:b: lookup succeeded
> a.b.c: *.b.c
> ab.c: *b.c
> xyz: ^X
-> Xyz: ^X
-> Zyz: ^Z
+> .Xyz: ^X
+> .Zyz: ^Z
> a b: "^a +b"
> a b: "^a +b"
> a:b: lookup succeeded
> # Some tests of case-(in)dependence
-> MiXeD-CD: Data found for case-dependent MiXeD-CD
-> MiXeD-Ncd: Data found for case-independent MiXeD-nCD
-> MixeD-Ncd: Data found for case-independent MiXeD-nCD
+> .MiXeD-CD: Data found for case-dependent MiXeD-CD
+> .MiXeD-Ncd: Data found for case-independent MiXeD-nCD
+> .MixeD-Ncd: Data found for case-independent MiXeD-nCD
> # IP address (CIDR) lookups
> 2
> 2
> 2
-> Empty:<>
-> Empty:<>
+> empty:<>
+> empty:<>
> <3>
> <3>
-> Empty:<>
-> Empty:<>
+> empty:<>
+> empty:<>
> no Z
> no 4
> Failed: "extract" failed and "fail" requested
> Failed: first argument of "extract" must not be empty
> b
+> a:b:c
+> Failed: missing '}' closing extract inside "map" item
+> a:b:c
> # Translation
> abcdea aaa xyz zbcdez
> abcdea a z zbcdez
> abcdea a abcdea
> abcdea abc z zzzdez
+> (null) ''
> # Boolean
> "TrUe" true EXPECT: true
> " yes" true EXPECT: true
> " no" false EXPECT: false
> "yes " true EXPECT: true
-> Failed: unrecognised boolean value "-1"
+> "-1" true EXPECT: true
> "0" false EXPECT: false
> "1" true EXPECT: true
> " 0 " false EXPECT: false
> " " false EXPECT: false
> Failed: unrecognised boolean value "text"
> Failed: unrecognised boolean value "text"
+> Failed: unrecognised boolean value "-text"
> Failed: unrecognised boolean value "text"
> Failed: unrecognised boolean value "text"
> "00" false EXPECT: false
> abcd abcd
> <:abcd:> =?iso-8859-8?Q?=3C=3Aabcd=3A=3E?=
> <:ab cd:> =?iso-8859-8?Q?=3C=3Aab_cd=3A=3E?=
-> Long: =?iso-8859-8?Q?_here_we_go=3A_a_string_that_is_going_to_be_encoded=3A_?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?it_will_go_over_the_75-char_limit?=
-> Long: =?iso-8859-8?Q?_here_we_go=3A_a_string_that_is_going_to_be_encoded=3A_?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?it_will_go_over_the_75-char_limit_by_a_long_way=3B_in?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?_fact_this_one_will_go_over_the_150_character_limit?=
+> long: =?iso-8859-8?Q?_here_we_go=3A_a_string_that_is_going_to_be_encoded=3A_it_will_go_ov?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?er_the_75-char_limit?=
+> long: =?iso-8859-8?Q?_here_we_go=3A_a_string_that_is_going_to_be_encoded=3A_it_will_go_ov?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?er_the_75-char_limit_by_a_long_way=3B_in_fact_this_on?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?e_will_go_over_the_150_character_limit?=
> # RFC 2047 decode
> # File insertion
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: Not enough arguments for 'readfile' (min is 1)
> abcde
> abcd
-> RC=0
+> rc=0
> 1
-> RC=0
+> rc=0
> abcd
-> RC=0
+> rc=0
> 2
-> RC=1
+> rc=1
> abcd
-> RC=1
+> rc=1
> N
-> RC=127
+> rc=127
> >><<
-> RC=0
+> rc=0
> 1!=2
-> RC=0
+> rc=0
+> abcd
+> rc=0
+> 2
+> rc=1
> # PRVS
> # Syntax errors
-> Failed: prvs second argument must be a single digit
-> Failed: prvs second argument must be a single digit
-> Failed: prvs second argument must be a single digit
+> Failed: prvs third argument must be a single digit
+> Failed: prvs third argument must be a single digit
+> Failed: prvs third argument must be a single digit
> # Correct checks; can't put explicit addresses in the tests, because they
> # will change over time.
> Failed: unknown condition "xya" inside "and{...}" condition
> Failed: condition name expected, but found "${lookup{x}lsear" inside "and{...}" condition
> Failed: missing } at end of string - could be header name not terminated by colon
-> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: curly-bracket problem in conditional yes/no parsing: did not close with '}'
+ remaining string is ''
> Failed: missing or misplaced { or } - could be header name not terminated by colon
> Failed: each subcondition inside an "or{...}" condition must be in its own {}
> Failed: missing } at end of condition inside "or" group
> true
+> # Environment access
+> correct
+> # JSON
+> "http://www.example.com/image/481989943"
+> 100
+> 943
+> 943
+> "green"
+> green
+> <>
+> expect: <>
+> 59
+> 59
+> {"1":116, "2":943, "3":234}
+> expect: {"1":116, "2":943, "3":234}
+> {"1":116, "2":943, "3":234}
+> expect: {"1":116, "2":943, "3":234}
+> <>
+> expect: <>
+> <>
+> expect: <>
+> # string value with embedded comma
+> <Doe, John>
+> expect <Doe, John>
+> # string value with embedded doublequote
+> <word1 \" word2>
+> expect <word1 \" word2>
+> yes
+> yes
> escape: B7·F2ò
> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
+> sender_address: sndr@dom
> match: cdab
> Failed: "if" failed and "fail" requested
> yes
> match_address: no
+> protected:
+> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
+> match: cdab
+> Failed: "if" failed and "fail" requested
+> yes
+> match_address: no
+> protected:
+> -be Sender host name and address etc, all unset
> -oMa sender_host_address =
> sender_host_port = 0
> -oMaa sender_host_authenticated =
> -oMs sender_host_name =
> -oMt sender_ident = CALLER
+> -be Sender host name and address etc, all set except host name.
> -oMa sender_host_address = V4NET.0.0.1
> sender_host_port = 1234
> -oMaa sender_host_authenticated = AAA
> -oMr received_protocol = special
> -oMt sender_ident = me
+> -be Sender host name explicitly set
> -oMa sender_host_address = V4NET.0.0.1
> sender_host_port = 1234
> -oMs sender_host_name = my.host.name
+> be Sender host name lookup fails (V4NET.11.12.13 is not reverse registered)
> -oMs sender_host_name =
> host_lookup_failed = 1
+> -be Sender host name and protocol set by Sendmail-compatible option
> -p received_protocol = special
> -p sender_host_name = host.name
+> -be Sender host name and address etc, all set except host name
> -oMa sender_host_address = V4NET.0.0.1
> sender_host_port = 1234
> -oMaa sender_host_authenticated = AAA
**** This is not for real!
220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000\r
+250 myhost.test.ex Hello test [V4NET.0.0.0]\r
250 OK\r
250 Accepted\r
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r
**** This is not for real!
220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000\r
+250 myhost.test.ex Hello test [V4NET.0.0.0]\r
250 OK\r
250 Accepted\r
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r
**** This is not for real!
220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000\r
+250 myhost.test.ex Hello test [V4NET.0.0.0]\r
250 OK\r
250 Accepted\r
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r
221 myhost.test.ex closing connection\r
> match_ip: 15
> match_ip: 16
+> match_ip: 17
+> in list
+> in list
+> variable m0 set
+> '${listextract {2} {my:target:string:list}}' => 'target'