+sub make_version_script {
+ my $context = shift;
+ my $variant = substr( $context->{release}, length($context->{trelease}) );
+ if ( $context->{release} ne $context->{trelease} . $variant ) {
+ die "Broken version numbering, I'm buggy";
+ }
+ my $srcdir = File::Spec->catdir( $context->{release_tree}, 'src', 'src' );
+ chdir $srcdir or die "chdir $srcdir: $!\n";
+ if ( -f "version.sh" ) {
+ print( "WARNING: version.sh already exists - leaving it in place\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ # Currently (25. Feb. 2016) the mk_exim_release.pl up to now can't
+ # deal with security releases.!? So we need a current
+ # mk_exim_release.pl. But if we use a current (master), the
+ # reversion script returns wrong version info (it's running inside
+ # the Git tree and uses git --describe, which always returns the
+ # current version of master.) I do not want to change the old
+ # reversion scripts (in 4.86.1, 4.85.1).
+ #
+ # Thus we've to provide the version.sh, based on the info we have
+ # about the release. If reversion finds this, it doesn't try to find
+ # it's own way to get a valid version number from the git.
+ open(my $v, '>', 'version.sh') or die "Can't open '>version.sh' $!\n";
+ print {$v} <<__;
+# initial version automatically generated from $0
+ close($v);
+ unlink 'version.h';
+ return;
+ # Later, if we get the reversion script fixed, we can call it again.
+ # For now (25. Feb. 2016) we'll leave it unused.
+ my @cmd = ("../scripts/reversion", "release", $context->{tag});
+ print( "Running: ", join( ' ', @cmd ), "\n" ) if ($verbose);
+ system(@cmd) == 0 || croak "reversion failed";
+ unlink "version.h";
+ -f "version.sh" or die "failed to create version.sh";
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------