-ppppp daemon_smtp_port overridden by -oX:
-ppppp <: 1225
-ppppp creating notifier socket
-ppppp listening on all interfaces (IPv4) port 1225
-ppppp pid written to TESTSUITE/spool/exim-daemon.pid
-ppppp LOG: MAIN
-ppppp exim x.yz daemon started: pid=pppp, no queue runs, listening for SMTP on port 1225
-ppppp daemon running with uid=EXIM_UID gid=EXIM_GID euid=EXIM_UID egid=EXIM_GID
-ppppp Listening...
-ppppp Connection request from port sssss
-ppppp 1 SMTP accept process running
-ppppp Listening...
-ppppp Process ppppp is handling incoming connection from []
-ppppp Process ppppp is ready for new message
-ppppp dnslists check: rbl.test.ex/V4NET.11.12.14
-ppppp new DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex
-ppppp dnslists: wrote cache entry, ttl=2
-ppppp DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex succeeded (yielding
-ppppp => that means V4NET.11.12.14 is listed at rbl.test.ex
-ppppp dnslists check: rbl.test.ex/V4NET.11.12.14
-ppppp dnslists: using result of previous lookup
-ppppp DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex succeeded (yielding
-ppppp => that means V4NET.11.12.14 is listed at rbl.test.ex
-ppppp dnslists check: rbl.test.ex/V4NET.11.12.14
-ppppp cached data found but past valid time; new DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex
-ppppp dnslists: wrote cache entry, ttl=2
-ppppp DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex succeeded (yielding
-ppppp => that means V4NET.11.12.14 is listed at rbl.test.ex
-ppppp LOG: MAIN
-ppppp <= a@shorthost.test.ex H=localhost (myhost.test.ex) [] P=esmtp S=sss id=E10HmaX-0005vi-00@myhost.test.ex
-ppppp Process ppppp is ready for new message
-ppppp LOG: smtp_connection MAIN
-ppppp SMTP connection from localhost (myhost.test.ex) [] closed by QUIT
-ppppp child ppppp ended: status=0x0
-ppppp normal exit, 0
-ppppp 0 SMTP accept processes now running
-ppppp Listening...
-ppppp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=pppp (daemon) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+daemon_smtp_port overridden by -oX:
+ <: 1225
+creating notifier socket
+ TESTSUITE/spool/exim_daemon_notify
+listening on all interfaces (IPv4) port PORT_D
+pid written to TESTSUITE/spool/exim-daemon.pid
+ exim x.yz daemon started: pid=p1235, no queue runs, listening for SMTP on port PORT_D
+daemon running with uid=EXIM_UID gid=EXIM_GID euid=EXIM_UID egid=EXIM_GID
+Connection request from port sssss
+p1238 Process p1238 is handling incoming connection from []
+p1238 Process p1238 is ready for new message
+1 SMTP accept process running
+p1238 dnslists check: rbl.test.ex/V4NET.11.12.14
+p1238 new DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex
+p1238 dnslists: wrote cache entry, ttl=2
+p1238 DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex succeeded (yielding
+p1238 => that means V4NET.11.12.14 is listed at rbl.test.ex
+p1238 dnslists check: rbl.test.ex/V4NET.11.12.14
+p1238 dnslists: using result of previous lookup
+p1238 DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex succeeded (yielding
+p1238 => that means V4NET.11.12.14 is listed at rbl.test.ex
+p1238 dnslists check: rbl.test.ex/V4NET.11.12.14
+p1238 cached data found but past valid time; new DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex
+p1238 dnslists: wrote cache entry, ttl=2
+p1238 DNS lookup for 14.12.11.V4NET.rbl.test.ex succeeded (yielding
+p1238 => that means V4NET.11.12.14 is listed at rbl.test.ex
+ <= a@shorthost.test.ex H=localhost (myhost.test.ex) [] P=esmtp S=sss id=E10HmaX-000000005vi-0000@myhost.test.ex
+Process p1238 is ready for new message
+LOG: smtp_connection MAIN
+ SMTP connection from localhost (myhost.test.ex) [] D=qqs closed by QUIT
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1238 (daemon-accept) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+p1235 child p1238 ended: status=0x0
+p1235 normal exit, 0
+p1235 0 SMTP accept processes now running
+p1235 Listening...
+p1235 SIGTERM/SIGINT seen
+p1235 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Exim pid=p1235 (daemon) terminating with rc=0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>