->>> sender host name required, to match against *-2.test.ex
->>> looking up host name for V4NET.0.0.3
->>> IP address lookup yielded "ten-3.test.ex"
->>> alias "ten-3-alias.test.ex"
->>> ╎ten-3.test.ex not in empty list (option unset? cannot trace name)
->>> ╎ten-3.test.ex not in empty list (option unset? cannot trace name)
->>> checking addresses for ten-3.test.ex
+>>> ╎sender host name required, to match against *-2.test.ex
+>>> ╎ looking up host name for V4NET.0.0.3
+>>> ╎ IP address lookup yielded "ten-3.test.ex"
+>>> ╎ alias "ten-3-alias.test.ex"
+>>> ╎ check dnssec require list
+>>> ╎ ten-3.test.ex not in empty list (option unset? cannot trace name)
+>>> ╎ check dnssec request list
+>>> ╎ ten-3.test.ex not in empty list (option unset? cannot trace name)
+>>> ╎ checking addresses for ten-3.test.ex