# callout for recipient/use_sender after mail from:<> rejection need_ipv4 # # Do a sender address verify that rejects MAIL FROM:<> server PORT_S 220 Welcome EHLO 250 Hi MAIL FROM 550 I'm misconfigured QUIT 221 Bye **** exim -bs helo test mail from:<userx@broken.example> quit **** # Now do a recipient verify for the same domain, with use_sender server PORT_S 220 Welcome EHLO 250 Hi MAIL FROM 250 OK RCPT TO 250 OK QUIT 221 Bye **** exim -bs helo test mail from:<userx@ok.example> rcpt to:<usery@broken.example> quit **** # A final check that the cache works for sender address exim -bs helo test mail from:<userx@broken.example> quit ****