# DSN ESMTP extension RCPT options # # Server does not advertise by default exim -DSERVER=server -bd -oX PORT_D **** client PORT_D ??? 220 EHLO testclient ??? 250- ??? 250-SIZE ??? 250 HELP **** killdaemon # # # Server does advertise when told. Client requests no bounces, and this one gets a reject. exim -DSERVER=server -DOPT=y -bd -oX PORT_D **** client HOSTIPV4 PORT_D ??? 220 EHLO testclient ??? 250- ??? 250-SIZE ??? 250-DSN ??? 250 HELP MAIL FROM: ??? 250 RCPT TO: NOTIFY=foo ??? 501 RCPT TO: NOTIFY=never ??? 250 DATA ??? 354 Subject: test . ??? 250 QUIT ??? 221 **** # Client requests delivery notification; the server supports DSN to takes responsibility client HOSTIPV4 PORT_D ??? 220 EHLO testclient ??? 250- ??? 250-SIZE ??? 250-DSN ??? 250 HELP MAIL FROM: ??? 250 RCPT TO: NOTIFY=success ??? 250 DATA ??? 354 Subject: test . ??? 250 QUIT ??? 221 **** # Client requests notification of deferral. First time of trying, the # queue-time probably has not hit the 1st retry time yet, so no DSN will # be sent and the message remains queued. client HOSTIPV4 PORT_D ??? 220 EHLO testclient ??? 250- ??? 250-SIZE ??? 250-DSN ??? 250 HELP MAIL FROM: ??? 250 RCPT TO: NOTIFY=delay ??? 250 DATA ??? 354 Subject: test . ??? 250 QUIT ??? 221 **** # Clients requests no DSNs, and this one gets deferred client HOSTIPV4 PORT_D ??? 220 EHLO testclient ??? 250- ??? 250-SIZE ??? 250-DSN ??? 250 HELP MAIL FROM: ??? 250 RCPT TO: NOTIFY=never ??? 250 DATA ??? 354 Subject: test . ??? 250 QUIT ??? 221 **** # This attemmpt the set of all the above, for the first time. exim -q **** sleep 3 # Second time, for the queued deferrals. Final delivery for the acceptance. exim -q **** killdaemon # # no_msglog_check