Internet Draft Stream: Independent Submission Category: Date: 2024/05/26 Author: J.Harris Author: B.Quatermass -- Mailmaint Working Group J. Harris Internet Draft Independent Category: Experimental B. Quatermass Independent May 2024 The WELLKNOWN SMTP Service Extension Abstract -------- This document defines a WELLKNOWN extension for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The extension provides the means for an SMTP server to inform a client of information relating to the server which is intended to be public. Status of this Memo ------------------- This document is published for examination, experimental implementation, and evaluation. This document defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. This is a contribution to the RFC Series, independently of any other RFC stream. The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at its discretion and makes no statement about its value for implementation or deployment. 1. Introduction --------------- The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol [SMTP] provides the ability to transfer email messages from a sending system to a recieving one. Senders may on occasion wish to discover additional information, not directly related to a specific email message, about the receiving system. An example is a contact point for discussing problems in communications. The WELLKNOWN extension provides a means for delivering such information, by an SMTP server on request from an SMTP client. 2. The WELLKNOW SMTP Extension ------------------------------ The extension mechanism for SMTP is defined in Section 2.2 of the current SMTP specification [RFC5321a]. The name of the extension is WELKNOWN. Servers implementing this extension advertise a WELLKNOWN as a keyword in the response to EHLO. The keyword has no parameters. A new SMTP verb, "WELLKNOWN" is defined. 3. The WELLNOWN verb -------------------- The format for the WELLKNOWN verb is: WELLKNOWN The parameter identifies the specific type of information being requested. It is separated from the verb by whitespace, and is xtext-encoded per RFC 3461 Section 4 [RFC3461]. After the client gives the WELLKNOWN command, the server responds with one of the 2xx, 4xx or 5xx response codes. A success response MUST be a 250 response code, and MUST be multi-line. The first line of a success response will be a response summary; the following lines are the information data requested, xtext-encoded [RFC3461]. The encoded information data MAY be split over multiple response lines. A response summary MAY be empty. In this case the first line of the response will be only "250-". A response summary MAY contain a size parameter, giving the number of bytes of data. This parameter is expressed as "SIZE=" followed by a decimal number. The size value does not include the xtext-encoding overheader, the "250-" or "250 " response code prefixing each line, nor the CR,LF bytes between lines. 4. Example ---------- S: 220 ESMTP spoken here C: EHLO test S: 250-Hi there, mate S: 250-SIZE S: 250-LIMITS S: 250-8BITMIME S: 250-PIPELINING S: 250-WELLKNOWN S: 250 HELP C: WELLKNOWN security.txt S: 250-SIZE=285 S: S: 250-+0A S: 250-Canonical:+20 S: 250-Canonical:+20mailserver:// S: 250-Canonical:+20mailserver:// S: 250-+0A S: 250-Preferred-Languages:+20en+0A S: 250-+0A S: 250-Expires:+202025-02-01T00:00:00.000Z+0A S: 250 +0A C: QUIT S: 221 5. Use Cases ------------ 5.1 security.txt --- It is common for a website to provide public-access information via the HTTP protocol. One such item, a "security.txt" file, is descibed in RFC 9116. The WELLKNOWN extension provides a method for publishing similar information for an SMTP host, without the need to operate an HTTP server. It is RECOMMENDED that the request-key for this usage be "security.txt". 5.2 ACME handshake --- ACME [RFC8555] provides for obtaining a certificate, needed for encrpted communications using TLS. It defines handshake methods using the DNS and using HTTP, for verifying ownership of the domain being certified. The WELLKNOWN extension provides a method for operating a similar handshake, without the need to operate an HTTP server or manipulate the DNS.