# -Mset and -bem exim -f userz@test.ex -oMt userz userx@test.x usery@test.ex From: Himself To: Yourself Subject: The subject is not the object This is the body of the message. Make the line longer than any header. **** sudo exim -be -Mset $msg1 from: $h_from: subject: $h_subject: message_body_size=$message_body_size message_id=$message_id message_exim_id=$message_exim_id max_received_linelength=$max_received_linelength recipients=$recipients TESTING_MACROS=$recipients (TESTING_MACROS) **** exim -bs helo test mail from: rcpt to: rcpt to: data From: Himself To: Yourself Subject: The subject is not the object This is the body of the message. Make the line much longer than any header. . quit **** sudo exim -be -Mset $msg2 from: $h_from: subject: $h_subject: message_body_size=$message_body_size message_id=$message_id message_exim_id=$message_exim_id max_received_linelength=$max_received_linelength recipients=$recipients **** write test-data From: A Person To: First , Second Subject: The subject is moot And now we have the body of the message, containing a small number of lines. **** exim -bem DIR/test-data from: $h_from: to: $h_to: subject: $h_subject: message_body_size=$message_body_size message_exim_id=$message_exim_id message_linecount=$message_linecount message_body_linecount=$body_linecount max_received_linelength=$max_received_linelength headers ----------------- $message_headers body -------------------- $message_body body end ---------------- $message_body_end **** exim -bem DIR/test-data -t recipients=$recipients **** no_msglog_check