# Common text-editor configuration for Exim # http://editorconfig.org/ # # This system sets attributes of the code results of editing, not of # how you set up the editor to do some helpful things for you. It's # deliberately limited, to be non-contentious and avoid bloat. # # In this file, we'll also collect _suggestions_ for text editor configs # for various text editors, to better work with what passes for a common # style in Exim. Use, or don't use, those as you see fit. # Unix-style newlines with a newline ending every file [*] trim_trailing_whitespace = false # vim # === # try: set cinoptions=>1s,{1s # # More complete: # if has("autocmd") # au BufNewFile,BufRead */*exim*/src/* set noai nosmartindent expandtab cindent sw=2 cinoptions=>1s,{1s # endif