#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # Copyright (c) The Exim Maintainers 2022 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Create cdb file from flat alias file. DPC: 15/10/98. # Args: source (may be relative or absolute) # target (may be relative or absolute. Default = source) # Generates: target.cdb # target.tmp # # Little Perl script to convert flat file into CDB file. Two advantages over # cdbmake-12 awk script that is distributed with CDB: # 1) Handles 'dpc22:dpc22@hermes' as well as 'dpc22 dpc22@hermes' # 2) Perl works with arbitrary length strings: awk chokes at 1,024 chars # # Cambridge: hermes/src/admin/mkcdb,v 1.9 2005/02/15 18:14:12 fanf2 Exp use strict; BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' }; $ENV{'PATH'} = ""; umask(022); my $CDB = '/opt/cdb/bin/cdbmake'; my $prog = $0; $prog =~ s|(.*/)?([^/]+)|$2|; my $source; my $target; if (@ARGV == 1) { $source = shift(@ARGV); $target = $source; } elsif (@ARGV == 2) { $source = shift(@ARGV); $target = shift(@ARGV); } else { die("$prog: usage: []\n"); } # trust the invoker ?! $source =~ /(.*)/; $source = $1; $target =~ /(.*)/; $target = $1; open(SOURCE, "< ${source}") or die("$prog: open < $source: $!\n"); open(PIPE, "| $CDB $target.cdb $target.tmp") or die("$prog: open | $CDB $target: $!\n"); sub add_item ($$) { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; printf PIPE ("+%d,%d:%s->%s\n", length($key), length($val), $key, $val); } sub add_line ($) { my $line = shift; if ($line =~ /^([^\s:]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/s) { # key : values add_item($1,$2); return; } if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/s) { # key: values add_item($1,$2); return; } if ($line =~ /^(\S+)$/s) { # key (empty value) add_item($1,''); return; } warn "$prog: unrecognized item: $line"; } my $data; while() { next if /^#/ or /^\s*$/; m/^(\s*)(\S.*)\s+$/s; if (length($1) == 0) { add_line($data) if defined $data; $data = $2; } else { $data .= " $2"; } } add_line($data) if defined $data; print PIPE "\n"; close(SOURCE) or die("$prog: close < $source: $!\n"); close(PIPE) or die($! ? "$prog: close | $CDB $target: $!\n" : "$prog: close | $CDB $target: exited $?\n"); exit 0;