# dovecot server auth, LOGIN # mkdir DIR/tmp # background dovecot -F -c DIR/aux-var/TESTNUM.dovecot.conf **** sleep 1 # # # ### LOGIN/userx/secret exim -odi -bs -oMa EHLO test.host AUTH LOGIN dXNlcng= c2VjcmV0 MAIL FROM: RCPT TO: DATA Testing authenticated. . quit **** ### ditto, on two lines from client rather than three; fails ### (not legit; the username & passwd should be suplied separately in response to prompts) # the Exim "plaintext" authenticator is fine with it, but it's outside what we know of the "specification" exim -bs -oMa ehlo test.host AUTH LOGIN dXNlcngAc2VjcmV0 quit **** ### ditto, on one line; fails exim -bs -oMa ehlo test.host AUTH LOGIN dXNlcngAc2VjcmV0 quit **** ### ditto, a different split of two lines; passes (though not strictly within spec) exim -bs -oMa ehlo test.host AUTH LOGIN dXNlcng= c2VjcmV0 quit **** ### LOGIN - cancelled part-way through (returns a fail) exim -bs -oMa ehlo test.host AUTH LOGIN dXNlcng= * quit **** # # ### LOGIN (empty username; bad auth) should fail exim -odi -bs -oMa ehlo test.host AUTH LOGIN c2VjcmV0 quit **** # ### LOGIN (bad username; bad auth) should fail exim -odi -bs -oMa ehlo test.host AUTH LOGIN DXNlcng= c2VjcmV0 quit **** # # ### Shut down dovecot killdaemon # sudo rm -fr DIR/tmp no_msglog_check