/************************************************* * Exim - an Internet mail transport agent * *************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 1995 - 2018 */ /* Copyright (c) The Exim Maintainers 2020 - 2022 */ /* See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. */ /* This header file contains macro definitions so that a variety of DBM libraries can be used by Exim. Nigel Metheringham provided the original set for Berkeley DB 1.x in native mode and ndbm. Subsequently, versions for Berkeley DB 2.x and 3.x were added. Later still, support for tdb was added, courtesy of James Antill. Most recently, support for native mode gdbm was added, with code from Pierre A. Humblet, so Exim could be made to work with Cygwin. For convenience, the definitions of the structures used in the various hints databases are also kept in this file, which is used by the maintenance utilities as well as the main Exim binary. */ #ifndef HINTSDB_H #define HINTSDB_H #if defined(USE_TDB) /* ************************* tdb interface ************************ */ /*XXX https://manpages.org/tdb/3 mentions concurrent writes. Could we lose the file lock? */ # include /* Basic DB type */ # define EXIM_DB TDB_CONTEXT /* Cursor type: tdb uses the previous "key" in _nextkey() (really it wants tdb_traverse to be called) */ # define EXIM_CURSOR TDB_DATA /* The datum type used for queries */ # define EXIM_DATUM TDB_DATA /* Some text for messages */ # define EXIM_DBTYPE "tdb" /* Access functions */ /* EXIM_DBOPEN - return pointer to an EXIM_DB, NULL if failed */ static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen__(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { return tdb_open(CS name, 0, TDB_DEFAULT, flags, mode); } /* EXIM_DBGET - returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */ static BOOL exim_dbget(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * res) { *res = tdb_fetch(dbp, *key); /* A struct arg and return!! */ return res->dptr != NULL; } /* EXIM_DBPUT - returns nothing useful, assumes replace mode */ static int exim_dbput(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return tdb_store(dbp, *key, *data, TDB_REPLACE); } /* EXIM_DBPUTB - non-overwriting for use by dbmbuild */ static int exim_dbputb(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return tdb_store(dbp, *key, *data, TDB_INSERT); } /* Returns from EXIM_DBPUTB */ # define EXIM_DBPUTB_OK 0 # define EXIM_DBPUTB_DUP (-1) /* EXIM_DBDEL */ static int exim_dbdel(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key) { return tdb_delete(dbp, *key); } /* EXIM_DBCREATE_CURSOR - initialize for scanning operation */ static EXIM_CURSOR * exim_dbcreate_cursor(EXIM_DB * dbp) { EXIM_CURSOR * c = store_malloc(sizeof(TDB_DATA)); c->dptr = NULL; return c; } /* EXIM_DBSCAN - This is complicated because we have to free the last datum free() must not die when passed NULL */ static BOOL exim_dbscan(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * res, BOOL first, EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { *key = first ? tdb_firstkey(dbp) : tdb_nextkey(dbp, *cursor); free(cursor->dptr); *cursor = *key; return key->dptr != NULL; } /* EXIM_DBDELETE_CURSOR - terminate scanning operation. */ static void exim_dbdelete_cursor(EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { store_free(cursor); } /* EXIM_DBCLOSE */ static void exim_dbclose__(EXIM_DB * db) { tdb_close(db); } /* Datum access */ static uschar * exim_datum_data_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return US dp->dptr; } static void exim_datum_data_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, void * s) { dp->dptr = s; } static unsigned exim_datum_size_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return dp->dsize; } static void exim_datum_size_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, unsigned n) { dp->dsize = n; } /* No initialization is needed. */ static void exim_datum_init(EXIM_DATUM * d) { } /* Free the stuff inside the datum. */ static void exim_datum_free(EXIM_DATUM * d) { free(d->dptr); d->dptr = NULL; } /* size limit */ # define EXIM_DB_RLIMIT 150 /********************* Berkeley db native definitions **********************/ #elif defined USE_DB # include /* 1.x did no locking 2.x had facilities, but exim does it's own 3.x+ unknown */ /* We can distinguish between versions 1.x and 2.x/3.x by looking for a definition of DB_VERSION_STRING, which is present in versions 2.x onwards. */ # ifdef DB_VERSION_STRING # if DB_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6 # error Version 6 and later BDB API is not supported # endif /* The API changed (again!) between the 2.x and 3.x versions */ # if DB_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 /***************** Berkeley db 3.x/4.x native definitions ******************/ /* Basic DB type */ # if DB_VERSION_MAJOR > 4 || (DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 1) # define EXIM_DB DB_ENV /* Cursor type, for scanning */ # define EXIM_CURSOR DBC /* The datum type used for queries */ # define EXIM_DATUM DBT /* Some text for messages */ # define EXIM_DBTYPE "db (v4.1+)" /* Only more-recent versions. 5+ ? */ # ifndef DB_FORCESYNC # define DB_FORCESYNC 0 # endif /* Error callback */ /* For Berkeley DB >= 2, we can define a function to be called in case of DB errors. This should help with debugging strange DB problems, e.g. getting "File exists" when you try to open a db file. The API for this function was changed at DB release 4.3. */ static void dbfn_bdb_error_callback(const DB_ENV * dbenv, const char * pfx, const char * msg) { log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "Berkeley DB error: %s", msg); } /* Access functions */ /* EXIM_DBOPEN - return pointer to an EXIM_DB, NULL if failed */ /* The API changed for DB 4.1. - and we also starting using the "env" with a specified working dir, to avoid the DBCONFIG file trap. */ # define ENV_TO_DB(env) ((DB *)(((EXIM_DB *)env)->app_private)) static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen__(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { EXIM_DB * dbp; DB * b; if ( db_env_create(&dbp, 0) != 0 || (dbp->set_errcall(dbp, dbfn_bdb_error_callback), 0) || dbp->open(dbp, CS dirname, DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_MPOOL|DB_PRIVATE, 0) != 0 ) return NULL; if (db_create(&b, dbp, 0) == 0) { dbp->app_private = b; if (b->open(b, NULL, CS name, NULL, flags == O_RDONLY ? DB_UNKNOWN : DB_HASH, flags == O_RDONLY ? DB_RDONLY : DB_CREATE, mode) == 0 ) return dbp; b->close(b, 0); } dbp->close(dbp, 0); return NULL; } /* EXIM_DBGET - returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */ static BOOL exim_dbget(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * res) { DB * b = ENV_TO_DB(dbp); return b->get(b, NULL, key, res, 0) == 0; } /* EXIM_DBPUT - returns nothing useful, assumes replace mode */ static int exim_dbput(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { DB * b = ENV_TO_DB(dbp); return b->put(b, NULL, key, data, 0); } /* EXIM_DBPUTB - non-overwriting for use by dbmbuild */ static int exim_dbputb(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { DB * b = ENV_TO_DB(dbp); return b->put(b, NULL, key, data, DB_NOOVERWRITE); } /* Return values from EXIM_DBPUTB */ # define EXIM_DBPUTB_OK 0 # define EXIM_DBPUTB_DUP DB_KEYEXIST /* EXIM_DBDEL */ static int exim_dbdel(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key) { DB * b = ENV_TO_DB(dbp); return b->del(b, NULL, key, 0); } /* EXIM_DBCREATE_CURSOR - initialize for scanning operation */ static EXIM_CURSOR * exim_dbcreate_cursor(EXIM_DB * dbp) { DB * b = ENV_TO_DB(dbp); EXIM_CURSOR * c; b->cursor(b, NULL, &c, 0); return c; } /* EXIM_DBSCAN - returns TRUE if data is returned, FALSE at end */ static BOOL exim_dbscan(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data, BOOL first, EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { return cursor->c_get(cursor, key, data, first ? DB_FIRST : DB_NEXT) == 0; } /* EXIM_DBDELETE_CURSOR - terminate scanning operation */ static void exim_dbdelete_cursor(EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { cursor->c_close(cursor); } /* EXIM_DBCLOSE */ static void exim_dbclose__(EXIM_DB * dbp_o) { DB_ENV * dbp = dbp_o; DB * b = ENV_TO_DB(dbp); b->close(b, 0); dbp->close(dbp, DB_FORCESYNC); } /* Datum access */ static uschar * exim_datum_data_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return dp->data; } static void exim_datum_data_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, void * s) { dp->data = s; } static unsigned exim_datum_size_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return dp->size; } static void exim_datum_size_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, unsigned n) { dp->size = n; } /* The whole datum structure contains other fields that must be cleared before use, but we don't have to free anything after reading data. */ static void exim_datum_init(EXIM_DATUM * d) { memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); } static void exim_datum_free(EXIM_DATUM * d) { } # else /* pre- 4.1 */ # define EXIM_DB DB /* Cursor type, for scanning */ # define EXIM_CURSOR DBC /* The datum type used for queries */ # define EXIM_DATUM DBT /* Some text for messages */ # define EXIM_DBTYPE "db (v3/4)" /* Access functions */ /* EXIM_DBOPEN - return pointer to an EXIM_DB, NULL if failed */ static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen__(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { EXIM_DB * dbp; return db_create(&dbp, NULL, 0) == 0 && ( dbp->set_errcall(dbp, dbfn_bdb_error_callback), dbp->open(dbp, CS name, NULL, flags == O_RDONLY ? DB_UNKNOWN : DB_HASH, flags == O_RDONLY ? DB_RDONLY : DB_CREATE, mode) ) == 0 ? dbp : NULL; } /* EXIM_DBGET - returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */ static BOOL exim_dbget(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * res) { return dbp->get(dbp, NULL, key, res, 0) == 0; } /* EXIM_DBPUT - returns nothing useful, assumes replace mode */ static int exim_dbput(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return dbp->put(dbp, NULL, key, data, 0); } /* EXIM_DBPUTB - non-overwriting for use by dbmbuild */ static int exim_dbputb(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return dbp->put(dbp, NULL, key, data, DB_NOOVERWRITE); } /* Return values from EXIM_DBPUTB */ # define EXIM_DBPUTB_OK 0 # define EXIM_DBPUTB_DUP DB_KEYEXIST /* EXIM_DBDEL */ static int exim_dbdel(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key) { return dbp->del(dbp, NULL, key, 0); } /* EXIM_DBCREATE_CURSOR - initialize for scanning operation */ static EXIM_CURSOR * exim_dbcreate_cursor(EXIM_DB * dbp) { EXIM_CURSOR * c; dbp->cursor(dbp, NULL, &c, 0); return c; } /* EXIM_DBSCAN - returns TRUE if data is returned, FALSE at end */ static BOOL exim_dbscan(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data, BOOL first, EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { return cursor->c_get(cursor, key, data, first ? DB_FIRST : DB_NEXT) == 0; } /* EXIM_DBDELETE_CURSOR - terminate scanning operation */ static void exim_dbdelete_cursor(EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { cursor->c_close(cursor); } /* EXIM_DBCLOSE */ static void exim_dbclose__(EXIM_DB * dbp) { dbp->close(dbp, 0); } /* Datum access */ static uschar * exim_datum_data_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return US dp->dptr; } static void exim_datum_data_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, void * s) { dp->dptr = s; } static uschar * exim_datum_size_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return US dp->size; } static void exim_datum_size_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, uschar * s) { dp->size = CS s; } /* The whole datum structure contains other fields that must be cleared before use, but we don't have to free anything after reading data. */ static void exim_datum_init(EXIM_DATUM * d) { memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); } static void exim_datum_free(EXIM_DATUM * d) { } # endif # else /* DB_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 */ # error Berkeley DB versions earlier than 3 are not supported */ # endif /* DB_VERSION_MAJOR */ # else # error Berkeley DB version 1 is no longer supported # endif /* DB_VERSION_STRING */ /* all BDB versions */ /* size limit */ # define EXIM_DB_RLIMIT 150 /********************* gdbm interface definitions **********************/ #elif defined USE_GDBM /*XXX TODO: exim's locfile not needed */ # include /* Basic DB type */ typedef struct { GDBM_FILE gdbm; /* Database */ datum lkey; /* Last key, for scans */ } EXIM_DB; /* Cursor type, not used with gdbm: just set up a dummy */ # define EXIM_CURSOR int /* The datum type used for queries */ # define EXIM_DATUM datum /* Some text for messages */ # define EXIM_DBTYPE "gdbm" /* Access functions */ /* EXIM_DBOPEN - return pointer to an EXIM_DB, NULL if failed */ static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen__(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { EXIM_DB * dbp = malloc(sizeof(EXIM_DB)); /*XXX why not exim mem-mgmt? */ if (dbp) { dbp->lkey.dptr = NULL; dbp->gdbm = gdbm_open(CS name, 0, flags & O_CREAT ? GDBM_WRCREAT : flags & (O_RDWR|O_WRONLY) ? GDBM_WRITER : GDBM_READER, mode, 0); if (dbp->gdbm) return dbp; free(dbp); } return NULL; } /* EXIM_DBGET - returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */ static BOOL exim_dbget(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * res) { *res = gdbm_fetch(dbp->gdbm, *key); /* A struct arg & return! */ return res->dptr != NULL; } /* EXIM_DBPUT - returns nothing useful, assumes replace mode */ static int exim_dbput(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return gdbm_store(dbp->gdbm, *key, *data, GDBM_REPLACE); } /* EXIM_DBPUTB - non-overwriting for use by dbmbuild */ static int exim_dbputb(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return gdbm_store(dbp->gdbm, *key, *data, GDBM_INSERT); } /* Returns from EXIM_DBPUTB */ # define EXIM_DBPUTB_OK 0 # define EXIM_DBPUTB_DUP 1 /* EXIM_DBDEL */ static int exim_dbdel(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key) { return gdbm_delete(dbp->gdbm, *key); } /* EXIM_DBCREATE_CURSOR - initialize for scanning operation (null) */ static EXIM_CURSOR * exim_dbcreate_cursor(EXIM_DB * dbp) { return NULL; } /* EXIM_DBSCAN */ static BOOL exim_dbscan(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data, BOOL first, EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { char * s; *key = first ? gdbm_firstkey(dbp->gdbm) : gdbm_nextkey(dbp->gdbm, dbp->lkey); if ((s = dbp->lkey.dptr)) free(s); dbp->lkey = *key; return key->dptr != NULL; } /* EXIM_DBDELETE_CURSOR - terminate scanning operation (null). */ static void exim_dbdelete_cursor(EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { } /* EXIM_DBCLOSE */ static void exim_dbclose__(EXIM_DB * dbp) { char * s; gdbm_close(dbp->gdbm); if ((s = dbp->lkey.dptr)) free(s); free(dbp); } /* Datum access types */ static uschar * exim_datum_data_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return US dp->dptr; } static void exim_datum_data_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, void * s) { dp->dptr = s; } static unsigned exim_datum_size_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return dp->dsize; } static void exim_datum_size_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, unsigned n) { dp->dsize = n; } /* There's no clearing required before use, but we have to free the dptr after reading data. */ static void exim_datum_init(EXIM_DATUM * d) { } static void exim_datum_free(EXIM_DATUM * d) { free(d->dptr); } /* size limit */ # define EXIM_DB_RLIMIT 150 #else /* USE_GDBM */ /* If none of USE_DB, USG_GDBM, or USE_TDB are set, the default is the NDBM interface */ /********************* ndbm interface definitions **********************/ # include /* Basic DB type */ # define EXIM_DB DBM /* Cursor type, not used with ndbm: just set up a dummy */ # define EXIM_CURSOR int /* The datum type used for queries */ # define EXIM_DATUM datum /* Some text for messages */ # define EXIM_DBTYPE "ndbm" /* Access functions */ /* EXIM_DBOPEN - returns a EXIM_DB *, NULL if failed */ /* Check that the name given is not present. This catches a directory name; otherwise we would create the name.pag and name.dir files in the directory's parent. */ static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen__(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { struct stat st; if (!(flags & O_CREAT) || lstat(CCS name, &st) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) return dbm_open(CS name, flags, mode); #ifndef COMPILE_UTILITY debug_printf("%s %d errno %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)); #endif errno = (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR ? EISDIR : EEXIST; return NULL; } /* EXIM_DBGET - returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */ static BOOL exim_dbget(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * res) { *res = dbm_fetch(dbp, *key); /* A struct arg & return! */ return res->dptr != NULL; } /* EXIM_DBPUT - returns nothing useful, assumes replace mode */ static int exim_dbput(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return dbm_store(dbp, *key, *data, DBM_REPLACE); } /* EXIM_DBPUTB - non-overwriting for use by dbmbuild */ static int exim_dbputb(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data) { return dbm_store(dbp, *key, *data, DBM_INSERT); } /* Returns from EXIM_DBPUTB */ # define EXIM_DBPUTB_OK 0 # define EXIM_DBPUTB_DUP 1 /* EXIM_DBDEL */ static int exim_dbdel(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key) { return dbm_delete(dbp, *key); } /* EXIM_DBCREATE_CURSOR - initialize for scanning operation (null) */ static EXIM_CURSOR * exim_dbcreate_cursor(EXIM_DB * dbp) { return NULL; } /* EXIM_DBSCAN */ static BOOL exim_dbscan(EXIM_DB * dbp, EXIM_DATUM * key, EXIM_DATUM * data, BOOL first, EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { *key = first ? dbm_firstkey(dbp) : dbm_nextkey(dbp); return key->dptr != NULL; } /* EXIM_DBDELETE_CURSOR - terminate scanning operation (null). */ static void exim_dbdelete_cursor(EXIM_CURSOR * cursor) { } /* EXIM_DBCLOSE */ static void exim_dbclose__(EXIM_DB * dbp) { dbm_close(dbp); } /* Datum access types */ static uschar * exim_datum_data_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return US dp->dptr; } static void exim_datum_data_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, void * s) { dp->dptr = s; } static unsigned exim_datum_size_get(EXIM_DATUM * dp) { return dp->dsize; } static void exim_datum_size_set(EXIM_DATUM * dp, unsigned n) { dp->dsize = n; } /* There's no clearing required before use, and we don't have to free anything after reading data. */ static void exim_datum_init(EXIM_DATUM * d) { } static void exim_datum_free(EXIM_DATUM * d) { } /* size limit */ # define EXIM_DB_RLIMIT 150 #endif /* USE_GDBM */ #if defined(COMPILE_UTILITY) || defined(MACRO_PREDEF) static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { return exim_dbopen__(name, dirname, flags, mode); } static void exim_dbclose(EXIM_DB * dbp) { exim_dbclose__(dbp); } #else /* Wrappers for open/close with debug tracing */ extern void debug_printf_indent(const char *, ...); static BOOL is_tainted(const void *); static EXIM_DB * exim_dbopen(const uschar * name, const uschar * dirname, int flags, unsigned mode) { void * dbp; DEBUG(D_hints_lookup) debug_printf_indent("EXIM_DBOPEN: file <%s> dir <%s> flags=%s\n", name, dirname, flags == O_RDONLY ? "O_RDONLY" : flags == O_RDWR ? "O_RDWR" : flags == (O_RDWR|O_CREAT) ? "O_RDWR|O_CREAT" : "??"); if (is_tainted(name) || is_tainted(dirname)) { log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "Tainted name for DB file not permitted"); dbp = NULL; } else dbp = exim_dbopen__(name, dirname, flags, mode); DEBUG(D_hints_lookup) debug_printf_indent("returned from EXIM_DBOPEN: %p\n", dbp); return dbp; } static void exim_dbclose(EXIM_DB * dbp) { DEBUG(D_hints_lookup) debug_printf_indent("EXIM_DBCLOSE(%p)\n", dbp); exim_dbclose__(dbp); } # endif /********************* End of dbm library definitions **********************/ #endif /* whole file */ /* End of hintsdb.h */