Cutthrough: option to use transport-defined mailfrom. Bug 3071
[exim.git] / test / stdout / 0389
1 220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000\r
2 250 myhost.test.ex Hello CALLER at test\r
3 250 OK\r
4 250 Accepted\r
5 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself\r
6 250 OK id=10HmaX-000000005vi-0000\r
7 221 myhost.test.ex closing connection\r
8 10HmaX-000000005vi-0000-H
10 <CALLER@myhost.test.ex>
11 ddddddddd 0
12 -received_time_usec .uuuuuu
13 -received_time_complete tttt.uuuuuu
14 --helo_name test
15 -ident CALLER
16 -received_protocol local-smtp
17 -aclm 0 22
18 >Sender verify failed<
19 -body_linecount 0
20 -max_received_linelength 0
21 -auth_id CALLER
22 -allow_unqualified_recipient
23 -allow_unqualified_sender
24 -deliver_firsttime
25 -local
26 XX
27 1
28 x@y
30 dddP Received: from CALLER (helo=test)
31         by myhost.test.ex with local-smtp (Exim x.yz)
32         (envelope-from <CALLER@myhost.test.ex>)
33         id 10HmaX-000000005vi-0000
34         for x@y;
35         Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000
36 054I Message-Id: <E10HmaX-000000005vi-0000@myhost.test.ex>
37 dddF From: CALLER_NAME <CALLER@myhost.test.ex>
38 038  Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000