From: (Marc Haber) Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 10:52:21 GMT I am currently configuring an exim for a site that will to mail hosting for several domains. I want the domain holders to have control over "their" alias files, being able to create their own aliases. However, I don't want them to have postmaster, abuse and other role accounts under their control. Here are my directors: local_roleaccount_aliases: driver = aliasfile include_domain = yes file = /etc/roleaccount_aliases search_type = lsearch global_roleaccount_aliases: driver = aliasfile include_domain = no file = /etc/roleaccount_aliases search_type = lsearch domain_aliases: driver = aliasfile requrie_files = /etc/domain_aliases/$domain file = /etc/domain_aliases/$domain search_type = lsearch That way, I can have /etc/roleaccount_aliases say abuse@some_hosted_domain: abuse: If an address is mentioned in /etc/roleaccount_aliases, specifications done in a domain alias file are ignored, e-mail to role accounts that are not explicitly stated with domain in /etc/roleaccount_aliases goes to me, and I can have role accounts for domains that I trust aliased to their own administration. Please note, however, that I use /etc/roleaccount_aliases as aliasfile in two directors. One of them has include_domain = yes and the other has include_domain = no. I believe this is the only way to have fully qualified addresses _and_ unqualified "catch-all-domains" addresses in a single alias file (having abuse@* with include_domain=yes doesn't catch any addresses). I don't know how exotic this setup is, but I believe it does what I want. If other users need something like that, too, I think it would be good to have a new option to the aliasfile director that makes that director catch qualified and unqualified addresses. If the FAQ maintainer finds it useful, I agree to have the setup mentioned above put into the FAQ as a recipe.