Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 17:33:11 +0300 From: "Alexei V. Alexandrov" Attaced you will find a plain text file where i explain how to setup mailman to use virtual environment (single setup for many domains). I think this will help exim users. If you have any questions, don not hesitate to contact me. Using Mailman in virtual environment. Download mailman and install it in a directory you prefer. (Note: compile mailman to use the GID that your virtual accounts use. mine is "virtual"). Let`s presume that all virtual servers have an account in group named "virtual". Setup exim to use mailman in the following way: MAILMAN_HOME = /virtual/usr/mailman MAILMAN_WRAP = MAILMAN_HOME/mail/wrapper MAILMAN_UID = exim MAILMAN_GID = virtual ###################################################################### # TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION # ###################################################################### mailman: driver = pipe command = MAILMAN_WRAP post ${lc:$local_part} current_directory = MAILMAN_HOME home_directory = MAILMAN_HOME user = MAILMAN_UID group = MAILMAN_GID mailman_request: driver = pipe command = MAILMAN_WRAP mailcmd ${lc:$local_part} current_directory = MAILMAN_HOME home_directory = MAILMAN_HOME user = MAILMAN_UID group = MAILMAN_GID mailman_admin: driver = pipe command = MAILMAN_WRAP mailowner ${lc:$local_part} current_directory = MAILMAN_HOME home_directory = MAILMAN_HOME user = MAILMAN_UID group = MAILMAN_GID ###################################################################### # DIRECTORS CONFIGURATION # # Specifies how local addresses are handled # ###################################################################### # Note: these directors should go after forward file driver # and before smart user driver (if you use "catchall" for your # virtual domains) virtual_list_owner: driver = smartuser require_files = MAILMAN_HOME/${lc:$domain}/lists/${lc:$local_part}/config.db suffix = "-owner" new_address = "${lc:$local_part}-admin@${domain}" virtual_owner_list: driver = smartuser require_files = MAILMAN_HOME/${lc:$domain}/lists/${lc:$local_part}/config.db prefix = "owner-" new_address = "${lc:$local_part}-admin@${domain}" virtual_list_admin: driver = smartuser suffix = -admin require_files = MAILMAN_HOME/${lc:$domain}/lists/${lc:$local_part}/config.db transport = mailman_admin virtual_list_request: driver = smartuser suffix = -request require_files = MAILMAN_HOME/${lc:$domain}/lists/${lc:$local_part}/config.db transport = mailman_request virtual_list: driver = smartuser require_files = MAILMAN_HOME/${lc:$domain}/lists/${lc:$local_part}/config.db transport = mailman # The trick is that we create in MAILMAN_HOME directories named like domains that we # recieve mail for. The sufficient directory structure is the following: # MAILMAN_HOME # |__/data/ # |__/lists/ # |__/logs/ # |__/qfiles/ # |__/locks/ We have succesfully setup exim to use mailman listmanager. Next we will have to tweak mailman to suite our virtual setup. What we do. Mailman has its default configuration stored in MAILMAN_HOME/Mailman/ this file is imported by and is used by all other modules. We will twak it to use for different domains. Here is how i did it: MAILMAN_HOME/Mailman/ import os import string def loadDefaults ( name ): definition = "" module = '/vhost/usr/mailman/' + name + '/' hFile = open ( module, "r" ) for line in hFile.readlines(): definition = definition + line definition = definition + "\n" exec definition in globals() if os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST') : junk, domain = tuple(string.split(os.environ['HTTP_HOST'], '.', 1)) loadDefaults(domain) elif os.environ.get('DOMAIN') : loadDefaults(os.environ['DOMAIN']) else: loadDefaults('Mailman') # from Defaults import * The is stored in the directory: MAILMAN_HOME/ and is not different from the original one. The lines you should modify are: DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = '' DEFAULT_URL = 'http://mail.%s/' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME LIST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/lists') LOG_DIR = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/logs') LOCK_DIR = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/locks') DATA_DIR = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/data') QUEUE_DIR = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, DEFAULT_HOST_NAME + '/qfiles') We use two environment variables on is HTTP_HOST (to be able to use mailman managment interface for different domains). Other one is DOMAIN (this variable is set by exim). Another thing is is to be able to run the man mailman script called qrunner. As users have there accounts in the system, they are able to use cron. Create a crontab file in the user`s directory with the following contents: * * * * * /virtual/bin/python -S /virtual/usr/mailman/cron/qrunner This will set the DOMAIN variable so the qrunner will use the right settings. If you want to create a new list. first set the environment variable DOMAIN to the desired domain and run the command MAILMAN_HOME/bin/newlist About the managment interface everything is simple. Run the apache server and bind it to a specific address (for ex.: Create for each domain DNS record listserv IN A When the user will point his browser to he will see a list of available mailing lists or he will get an error message indicating that the default settings for this domain are not available. That`s it. This setup works for me and it handles over 50 domains.