[% PERL %] use POSIX qw(ceil); my $lrfactor = 6; $stash->set(lrfactor => $lrfactor); my $rows = $stash->get('log_file_names'); my $logrows = ceil(scalar(@$rows)/$lrfactor); my $logcells = $lrfactor * $logrows; $stash->set( logcells => $logcells); $stash->set( logrows => $logrows ); [% END -%] [% mytitle = BLOCK %]PostgreSQL BuildFarm | [% IF stage != 'OK' %]Log for system "[% system %]" failure on snapshot taken [% urldt ; ELSE %]Configuration summary for system "[% system %]" snapshot taken [% urldt ; END ; END -%] [% cvsurl = 'http://anoncvs.postgresql.org/cvsweb.cgi'; giturl = scmurl || 'http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb?p=postgresql.git;a=commit;h='; -%] [% WRAPPER 'page.tt' title = mytitle bodyclass = 'none' pagebutton = 'none' %]

PostgreSQL Build Farm Log

Details for system "[% system %]"[% IF stage != 'OK' %] failure at stage [% stage ; ELSE %], status 'OK'[% END %], snapshot taken [% urldt %]

System Information Farm member Branch OS Compiler Architecture Owner
[% system %] [% branch %] [% info_row.operating_system %] [% info_row.os_version %] [% info_row.compiler %] [% info_row.compiler_version %] [% info_row.architecture %] [% info_row.owner_email %]
[% IF info_row.sys_notes %]
System Notes Date Notes
[% info_row.sys_notes_date %] [% info_row.sys_notes %]
[% END %] [% cell = 0; FOREACH logstage IN log_file_names ; striplog = logstage.replace('\.log$','') ; cell = loop.count %] [% IF loop.first %]
[% END %] [% IF loop.count > 1 and loop.count % lrfactor == 1 %][% END %] [% IF loop.count % lrfactor == 0 %][% END %] [% END %] [% IF cell > 0 ; nrcell = cell + 1; ncells = [ nrcell .. logcells ] ; FOREACH rcell IN ncells %] [% IF rcell > 1 and rcell % lrfactor == 1 %][% END %] [% IF rcell % lrfactor == 0 %][% END %] [% END %]
Stage Logs
[% striplog %]
[% END %]

Configuration summary

[% conf | html %]

Files changed this run

[%- IF changed_this_run.0 -%]
[%- FOREACH changed IN changed_this_run %]
[% changed.0 ; IF scm == 'cvs'; ' '; changed.1; END %]
[%- END -%]
[%- ELSE %]
not recorded
[% END -%]
[% IF stage != 'OK' %]

Files changed since last success

[%- IF changed_since_success.0 %]
[%- FOREACH changed IN changed_since_success %]
[% changed.0 ; IF scm == 'cvs'; ' '; changed.1; END %]
[%- END -%]
[%- ELSE %]
not recorded
[% END -%]
[% END %]


[% log | html %]
[% END %]