#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw($dbhost $dbname $dbuser $dbpass $dbport $all_stat $fail_stat $change_stat $green_stat $server_time $min_script_version $min_web_script_version $default_host ); # force this before we do anything - even load modules BEGIN { $server_time = time; } use CGI; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex); use MIME::Base64; use DBI; use DBD::Pg; use Data::Dumper; use Mail::Send; use Safe; use Time::ParseDate; use Storable qw(thaw); require "$ENV{BFConfDir}/BuildFarmWeb.pl"; my $buildlogs = "$ENV{BFConfDir}/buildlogs"; die "no dbname" unless $dbname; die "no dbuser" unless $dbuser; my $dsn="dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname"; $dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if $dbhost; $dsn .= ";port=$dbport" if $dbport; my $query = new CGI; my $sig = $query->path_info; $sig =~ s!^/!!; my $stage = $query->param('stage'); my $ts = $query->param('ts'); my $animal = $query->param('animal'); my $log = $query->param('log'); my $res = $query->param('res'); my $conf = $query->param('conf'); my $branch = $query->param('branch'); my $changed_since_success = $query->param('changed_since_success'); my $changed_this_run = $query->param('changed_files'); my $log_archive = $query->param('logtar'); my $frozen_sconf = $query->param('frozen_sconf') || ''; my $content = "branch=$branch&res=$res&stage=$stage&animal=$animal&". "ts=$ts&log=$log&conf=$conf"; my $extra_content = "changed_files=$changed_this_run&". "changed_since_success=$changed_since_success&"; unless ($animal && $ts && $stage && $sig) { print "Status: 490 bad parameters\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n", "bad parameters for request\n"; exit; } unless ($branch =~ /^(HEAD|REL\d+_\d+_STABLE)$/) { print "Status: 492 bad branch parameter $branch\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n", "bad branch parameter $branch\n"; exit; } my $db = DBI->connect($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpass); die $DBI::errstr unless $db; my $gethost= "select secret from buildsystems where name = ? and status = 'approved'"; my $sth = $db->prepare($gethost); $sth->execute($animal); my ($secret)=$sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish; my $tsdiff = time - $ts; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($ts); $year += 1900; $mon +=1; my $date= sprintf("%d-%.2d-%.2d_%.2d:%.2d:%.2d",$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); if ($ENV{BF_DEBUG} || ($ts > time) || ($ts + 86400 < time ) || (! $secret) ) { open(TX,">$buildlogs/$animal.$date"); print TX "sig=$sig\nlogtar-len=" , length($log_archive), "\nstatus=$res\nstage=$stage\nconf:\n$conf\n", "tsdiff:$tsdiff\n", "changed_this_run:\n$changed_this_run\n", "changed_since_success:\n$changed_since_success\n", "frozen_sconf:$frozen_sconf\n", "log:\n",$log; # $query->save(\*TX); close(TX); } unless ($ts < time + 120) { my $gmt = gmtime($ts); print "Status: 491 bad ts parameter - $ts ($gmt GMT) is in the future.\n", "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n bad ts parameter - $ts ($gmt GMT) is in the future\n"; $db->disconnect; exit; } unless ($ts + 86400 > time) { my $gmt = gmtime($ts); print "Status: 491 bad ts parameter - $ts ($gmt GMT) is more than 24 hours ago.\n", "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n bad ts parameter - $ts ($gmt GMT) is more than 24 hours ago.\n"; $db->disconnect; exit; } unless ($secret) { print "Status: 495 Unknown System\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n", "System $animal is unknown\n"; $db->disconnect; exit; } my $calc_sig = sha1_hex($content,$secret); my $calc_sig2 = sha1_hex($extra_content,$content,$secret); if ($calc_sig ne $sig && $calc_sig2 ne $sig) { print "Status: 450 sig mismatch\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n"; print "$sig mismatches $calc_sig($calc_sig2) on content:\n$content"; $db->disconnect; exit; } # undo escape-proofing of base64 data and decode it map {tr/$@/+=/; $_ = decode_base64($_); } ($log, $conf,$changed_this_run,$changed_since_success,$log_archive, $frozen_sconf); if ($log =~/Last file mtime in snapshot: (.*)/) { my $snaptime = parsedate($1); if ($snaptime < (time - (10 * 86400))) { print "Status: 493 snapshot too old: $1\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n"; print "snapshot to old: $1\n"; $db->disconnect; exit; } } ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime($ts); $year += 1900; $mon +=1; my $dbdate= sprintf("%d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d",$year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec); my $log_file_names; my @log_file_names; my $dirname = "$buildlogs/tmp.$$.unpacklogs"; my $githeadref; if ($log_archive) { my $log_handle; my $archname = "$buildlogs/tmp.$$.tgz"; open($log_handle,">$archname"); binmode $log_handle; print $log_handle $log_archive; close $log_handle; mkdir $dirname; @log_file_names = `tar -z -C $dirname -xvf $archname 2>/dev/null`; map {s/\s+//g; } @log_file_names; my @qnames = grep { $_ ne 'githead.log' } @log_file_names; map { $_ = qq("$_"); } @qnames; $log_file_names = '{' . join(',',@qnames) . '}'; if (-e "$dirname/githead.log" ) { open(my $githead,"$dirname/githead.log"); $githeadref = <$githead>; chomp $githeadref; close $githead; } # unlink $archname; } my $config_flags; my $client_conf; if ($frozen_sconf) { $client_conf = thaw $frozen_sconf; } else { my $container = new Safe; my $sconf = $conf; unless ($sconf =~ s/.*(\$Script_Config)/$1/ms ) { $sconf = '$Script_Config={};'; } $client_conf = $container->reval("$sconf;"); } if ($min_script_version) { $client_conf->{script_version} ||= '0.0'; my $cli_ver = $client_conf->{script_version} ; $cli_ver =~ s/^REL_//; my ($minmajor,$minminor) = split(/\./,$min_script_version); my ($smajor,$sminor) = split(/\./,$cli_ver); if ($minmajor > $smajor || ($minmajor == $smajor && $minminor > $sminor)) { print "Status: 460 script version too low\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n"; print "Script version is below minimum required\n", "Reported version: $client_conf->{script_version},", "Minumum version required: $min_script_version\n"; $db->disconnect; exit; } } if ($min_web_script_version && ! ($client_conf->{script_version} eq 'REL_4.3')) { $client_conf->{web_script_version} ||= '0.0'; my $cli_ver = $client_conf->{web_script_version} ; $cli_ver =~ s/^REL_//; my ($minmajor,$minminor) = split(/\./,$min_web_script_version); my ($smajor,$sminor) = split(/\./,$cli_ver); if ($minmajor > $smajor || ($minmajor == $smajor && $minminor > $sminor)) { print "Status: 461 web script version too low\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n"; print "Web Script version is below minimum required\n", "Reported version: $client_conf->{web_script_version}, ", "Minumum version required: $min_web_script_version\n" ; $db->disconnect; exit; } } my @config_flags; if (not exists $client_conf->{config_opts} ) { @config_flags = (); } elsif (ref $client_conf->{config_opts} eq 'HASH') { # leave out keys with false values @config_flags = grep { $client_conf->{config_opts}->{$_} } keys %{$client_conf->{config_opts}}; } elsif (ref $client_conf->{config_opts} eq 'ARRAY' ) { @config_flags = @{$client_conf->{config_opts}}; } if (@config_flags) { @config_flags = grep {! m/=/ } @config_flags; map {s/\s+//g; $_=qq("$_"); } @config_flags; push @config_flags,'git' if $client_conf->{scm} eq 'git'; $config_flags = '{' . join(',',@config_flags) . '}' ; } my $scm = $client_conf->{scm} || 'cvs'; my $scmurl = $client_conf->{scm_url}; my $logst = <begin_work; $db->do("select set_local_error_terse()"); $sth=$db->prepare($logst); $sth->bind_param(1,$animal); $sth->bind_param(2,$dbdate); $sth->bind_param(3,$res); $sth->bind_param(4,$stage); $sth->bind_param(5,$log); $sth->bind_param(6,$conf); $sth->bind_param(7,$branch); $sth->bind_param(8,$changed_this_run); $sth->bind_param(9,$changed_since_success); $sth->bind_param(10,$log_file_names); #$sth->bind_param(11,$log_archive,{ pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA }); $sth->bind_param(11,undef,{ pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA }); $sth->bind_param(12,$config_flags); $sth->bind_param(13,$scm); $sth->bind_param(14,$scmurl); $sth->bind_param(15,$githeadref); $sth->bind_param(16,$frozen_sconf,{ pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA }); $sth->execute; $sth->finish; my $logst2 = <prepare($logst2); $/=undef; my $stage_start = $ts; foreach my $log_file( @log_file_names ) { next if $log_file =~ /^githead/; my $handle; open($handle,"$dirname/$log_file"); my $mtime = (stat $handle)[9]; my $stage_interval = $mtime - $stage_start; $stage_start = $mtime; my $ltext = <$handle>; close($handle); $ltext =~ s/\x00/\\0/g; $sth->execute($animal,$dbdate,$branch,$log_file,$ltext, "$stage_interval seconds"); } $sth->finish; $db->commit; my $prevst = <prepare($prevst); $sth->execute($animal,$branch,$dbdate); my $row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref; my $prev_stat=$row->[0]; $sth->finish; my $det_st = <prepare($det_st); $sth->execute($animal); $row=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref; my ($os, $compiler,$arch) = @$row; $sth->finish; $db->begin_work; # prevent occasional duplication by forcing serialization of this operation $db->do("lock table dashboard_mat in share row exclusive mode"); $db->do("delete from dashboard_mat"); $db->do("insert into dashboard_mat select * from dashboard_mat_data"); $db->commit; $db->disconnect; print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; print "request was on:\n"; print "res=$res&stage=$stage&animal=$animal&ts=$ts"; my $client_events = $client_conf->{mail_events}; if ($ENV{BF_DEBUG}) { my $client_time = $client_conf->{current_ts}; open(TX,">>$buildlogs/$animal.$date"); print TX "\n",Dumper(\$client_conf),"\n"; print TX "server time: $server_time, client time: $client_time\n" if $client_time; close(TX); } my $bcc_stat = []; my $bcc_chg=[]; if (ref $client_events) { my $cbcc = $client_events->{all}; if (ref $cbcc) { push @$bcc_stat, @$cbcc; } elsif (defined $cbcc) { push @$bcc_stat, $cbcc; } if ($stage ne 'OK') { $cbcc = $client_events->{all}; if (ref $cbcc) { push @$bcc_stat, @$cbcc; } elsif (defined $cbcc) { push @$bcc_stat, $cbcc; } } $cbcc = $client_events->{change}; if (ref $cbcc) { push @$bcc_chg, @$cbcc; } elsif (defined $cbcc) { push @$bcc_chg, $cbcc; } if ($stage eq 'OK' || $prev_stat eq 'OK') { $cbcc = $client_events->{green}; if (ref $cbcc) { push @$bcc_chg, @$cbcc; } elsif (defined $cbcc) { push @$bcc_chg, $cbcc; } } } my $url = $query->url(-base => 1); my $stat_type = $stage eq 'OK' ? 'Status' : 'Failed at Stage'; my $mailto = [@$all_stat]; push(@$mailto,@$fail_stat) if $stage ne 'OK'; my $me = `id -un`; chomp($me); my $host = `hostname`; chomp ($host); $host = $default_host unless ($host =~ m/[.]/ || !defined($default_host)); my $from_addr = "PG Build Farm <$me\@$host>"; $from_addr =~ tr /\r\n//d; my $msg = new Mail::Send; $msg->to(@$mailto); $msg->bcc(@$bcc_stat) if (@$bcc_stat); $msg->subject("PGBuildfarm member $animal Branch $branch $stat_type $stage"); $msg->set('From',$from_addr); my $fh = $msg->open; print $fh <close; exit if ($stage eq $prev_stat); $mailto = [@$change_stat]; push(@$mailto,@$green_stat) if ($stage eq 'OK' || $prev_stat eq 'OK'); $msg = new Mail::Send; $msg->to(@$mailto); $msg->bcc(@$bcc_chg) if (@$bcc_chg); $stat_type = $prev_stat ne 'OK' ? "changed from $prev_stat failure to $stage" : "changed from OK to $stage"; $stat_type = "New member: $stage" if $prev_stat eq 'NEW'; $stat_type .= " failure" if $stage ne 'OK'; $msg->subject("PGBuildfarm member $animal Branch $branch Status $stat_type"); $msg->set('From',$from_addr); $fh = $msg->open; print $fh <close;