package EximBuild::WebTxn; =comment Copyright (c) 2003-2013, Andrew Dunstan See accompanying License file for license details Most of this code is imported from the older standalone script which is now just a shell that calls the function below. It is now only needed on older Msys installations (i.e. things running perl < 5.8). =cut use strict; use URI::Escape; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 'REL_0.1'; use vars qw($changed_this_run $changed_since_success $branch $status $stage $animal $ts $log_data $confsum $target $verbose $secret); sub run_web_txn { my $lrname = shift || 'lastrun-logs'; # make these runtime imports so they are loaded by the perl that's running # the procedure. On older Msys it won't be the same as the one that's # running require LWP; import LWP; require HTTP::Request::Common; import HTTP::Request::Common; require MIME::Base64; import MIME::Base64; require Digest::SHA; import Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex); require Storable; import Storable qw(nfreeze); my $txfname = "$lrname/"; my $txdhandle; $/=undef; open($txdhandle,"$txfname") or die "opening $txfname: $!"; my $txdata = <$txdhandle>; close($txdhandle); eval $txdata; if ($@) { warn $@; return undef; } my $tarname = "$lrname/runlogs.tgz"; my $tardata=""; if (open($txdhandle,$tarname)) { # This creates the tarball to send to the buildfarm server binmode $txdhandle; $tardata=<$txdhandle>; close($txdhandle); } # add our own version string and time my $current_ts = time; my $webscriptversion = "'web_script_version' => '$VERSION',\n"; my $cts = "'current_ts' => $current_ts,\n"; # $2 here helps us to preserve the nice spacing from Data::Dumper my $scriptline = "((.*)'script_version' => '(REL_)?\\d+\\.\\d+',\n)"; $confsum =~ s/$scriptline/$1$2$webscriptversion$2$cts/; my $sconf = $confsum; $sconf =~ s/.*(\$Script_Config)/$1/ms; my $Script_Config; eval $sconf; # very modern Storable modules choke on regexes # the server has no need of them anyway, so just chop them out # they are still there in the text version used for reporting foreach my $k ( keys %$Script_Config ) { delete $Script_Config->{$k} if ref($Script_Config->{$k}) eq q(Regexp); } my $frozen_sconf = nfreeze($Script_Config); # make the base64 data escape-proof; = is probably ok but no harm done # this ensures that what is seen at the other end is EXACTLY what we # see when we calculate the signature map{ $_=encode_base64($_,""); tr/+=/$@/; }( $log_data,$confsum,$changed_this_run,$changed_since_success,$tardata, $frozen_sconf ); my $content = "changed_files=$changed_this_run&" . "changed_since_success=$changed_since_success&" . 'branch=' . uri_escape($branch) . "&res=$status&stage=$stage&animal=$animal&ts=$ts" ."&log=$log_data&conf=$confsum"; my $sig = sha1_hex($content,$secret); $content .= "&frozen_sconf=$frozen_sconf"; if ($tardata) { $content .= "&logtar=$tardata"; } my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("Exim Build Farm Reporter"); if (my $proxy = $ENV{BF_PROXY}) { # untested. Please notify, if you # encounter any problem here: $ua->proxy(URI->new($target)->scheme, $proxy); } my $request=HTTP::Request->new(POST => "$target/$sig"); $request->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $request->content($content); my $response=$ua->request($request); unless ($response->is_success) { print "Query for: stage=$stage&animal=$animal&ts=$ts\n", "Target: $target/$sig\n"; print "Status Line: ",$response->status_line,"\n"; print "Content: \n", $response->content,"\n" if ($verbose && $response->content); return undef; } return 1; } 1;