This page describes the options in the build-config.conf. ### Required options: * scm - For the Exim project, this is set to 'git'. * scm_repo - Defaults to the git repo hosted at github. * build_root - Full path to the work directory that holds the local git checkout and the temp directory where the test runs. * animal - Set the host alias assigned to you by the BuildFarm administrators. * secret - The secret assigned to you by the BuildFarm adminstrator. In the words of Gandalf, "keep it secret, keep it safe." * optional_steps - Uncomment *make-doc* and/or *test* in order to include building those stages. Extra packages are required for building documentation, documented elsewhere. ### Enabling exim features In order to enable exim features, you'll use the `makefile_set`, `makefile_add`, or `makefile_regex` to enable them. Here are some samples: # Settings to add to Local/Makefile. These will set or override # previous definitions of variables. Example: # LDFLAGS => '-Wall' will create LDFLAGS = '-Wall' makefile_set =>{ # comment out if not using ccache CC => 'ccache gcc', SUPPORT_TLS => 'yes', USE_OPENSSL_PC => 'openssl', #TLS_LIBS => '-lssl -lcrypto', AUTH_PLAINTEXT => 'yes', LOOKUP_INCLUDE => '-I/usr/include/mysql', LOOKUP_LIBS => '-lmysqlclient -lpq', }, # Settings to add to Local/Makefile. These will add to variables that # are already defined earlier in the Makefile. Example: # LDFLAGS => '-Wall' will create LDFLAGS+='-Wall' makefile_add =>{ # Show all warnings and errors CFLAGS => '-Wall -Werror=format-security', # Or enable debugging flags #CFLAGS => '-g -Wall', #LFLAGS => '-g', }, makefile_regex =>[ q(s/^# EXPERIMENTAL_PRDR.*/EXPERIMENTAL_PRDR=yes/), q(s/^# EXIM_PERL=/EXIM_PERL=/), q(s/^# LOOKUP_MYSQL=/LOOKUP_MYSQL=/), q(s/^# LOOKUP_PGSQL=/LOOKUP_PGSQL=/), ],