/************************************************* * Exim - an Internet mail transport agent * *************************************************/ /* * Copyright (c) The Exim Maintainers 2022 * License: GPL * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* Caching layers for compiled REs. There is a local layer in the process, implemented as a tree for inserts and lookup. This cache is inherited from the daemon, for the process tree deriving from there - but not by re-exec'd proceses or commandline submission processes. If the process has to compile, and is not the daemon or a re-exec'd exim, it notifies the use of the RE to the daemon via a unix-domain socket. This is a fire-and-forget send with no response, hence cheap from the point-of view of the sender. I have not measured the overall comms costs. The daemon also compiles the RE, and caches the result. A second layer would be possible by asking the daemon via the notifier socket (for a result from its cache, or a compile if it must). The comms overhead is significant, not only for the channel but also for de/serialisation of the compiled object. This makes it untenable for the primary use-case, the transport process which has been re-exec'd to gain privs - and therefore does not have the daemon-maintained cache. Using shared-memory might reduce that cost (the attach time for the memory segment will matter); the implimentation would require suitable R/W locks. */ #include "exim.h" typedef struct re_req { uschar notifier_reqtype; BOOL caseless; uschar re[1]; /* extensible */ } re_req; static tree_node * regex_cache = NULL; static tree_node * regex_caseless_cache = NULL; #define REGEX_CACHESIZE_LIMIT 1000 /******************************************************************************/ static void regex_to_daemon(const uschar * key, BOOL caseless) { int klen = Ustrlen(key) + 1; int rlen = sizeof(re_req) + klen; re_req * req; int fd, old_pool = store_pool; DEBUG(D_expand|D_lists) debug_printf_indent("sending RE '%s' to daemon\n", key); store_pool = POOL_MAIN; req = store_get(rlen, key); /* maybe need a size limit */ store_pool = old_pool;; req->notifier_reqtype = NOTIFY_REGEX; req->caseless = caseless; memcpy(req->re, key, klen); if ((fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) >= 0) { struct sockaddr_un sa_un = {.sun_family = AF_UNIX}; ssize_t len = daemon_notifier_sockname(&sa_un); if (sendto(fd, req, rlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_un, (socklen_t)len) < 0) DEBUG(D_queue_run) debug_printf("%s: sendto %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); close(fd); } else DEBUG(D_queue_run) debug_printf(" socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } static const pcre2_code * regex_from_cache(const uschar * key, BOOL caseless) { tree_node * node = tree_search(caseless ? regex_caseless_cache : regex_cache, key); DEBUG(D_expand|D_lists) debug_printf_indent("compiled %sRE '%s' %sfound in local cache\n", caseless ? "caseless " : "", key, node ? "" : "not "); return node ? node->data.ptr : NULL; } static void regex_to_cache(const uschar * key, BOOL caseless, const pcre2_code * cre) { /* we are called with STORE_PERM */ tree_node * node = store_get(sizeof(tree_node) + Ustrlen(key) + 1, key); Ustrcpy(node->name, key); node->data.ptr = (void *)cre; if (!tree_insertnode(caseless ? ®ex_caseless_cache : ®ex_cache, node)) { DEBUG(D_expand|D_lists) debug_printf_indent("duplicate key!\n"); } else DEBUG(D_expand|D_lists) debug_printf_indent("compiled RE '%s' saved in local cache\n", key); /* Additionally, if not re-execed and not the daemon, tell the daemon of the RE so it can add to the cache */ if (f.daemon_scion && !f.daemon_listen) regex_to_daemon(key, caseless); return; } /******************************************************************************/ /************************************************* * Compile regular expression and panic on fail * *************************************************/ /* This function is called when failure to compile a regular expression leads to a panic exit. In other cases, pcre_compile() is called directly. In many cases where this function is used, the results of the compilation are to be placed in long-lived store, so we temporarily reset the store management functions that PCRE uses if the use_malloc flag is set. Argument: pattern the pattern to compile flags caseless caseless matching is required cacheable use (writeback) cache use_malloc TRUE if compile into malloc store Returns: pointer to the compiled pattern */ const pcre2_code * regex_must_compile(const uschar * pattern, mcs_flags flags, BOOL use_malloc) { BOOL caseless = !!(flags & MCS_CASELESS); size_t offset; const pcre2_code * yield; int old_pool = store_pool, err; /* Optionall, check the cache and return if found */ if ( flags & MCS_CACHEABLE && (yield = regex_from_cache(pattern, caseless))) return yield; store_pool = POOL_PERM; if (!(yield = pcre2_compile((PCRE2_SPTR)pattern, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, caseless ? PCRE_COPT|PCRE2_CASELESS : PCRE_COPT, &err, &offset, use_malloc ? pcre_mlc_cmp_ctx : pcre_gen_cmp_ctx))) { uschar errbuf[128]; pcre2_get_error_message(err, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC_DIE, "regular expression error: " "%s at offset %ld while compiling %s", errbuf, (long)offset, pattern); } if (use_malloc) { /*pcre2_general_context_free(gctx);*/ } if (flags & MCS_CACHEABLE) regex_to_cache(pattern, caseless, yield); store_pool = old_pool; return yield; } /* Wrapper for pcre2_compile() and error-message handling. Arguments: pattern regex to compile flags caseless flag for match variant cacheable use (writeback) cache errstr on error, filled in with error message cctx compile-context for pcre2 Return: NULL on error, with errstr set. Otherwise, the compiled RE object */ const pcre2_code * regex_compile(const uschar * pattern, mcs_flags flags, uschar ** errstr, pcre2_compile_context * cctx) { const uschar * key = pattern; BOOL caseless = !!(flags & MCS_CASELESS); int err; PCRE2_SIZE offset; const pcre2_code * yield; int old_pool = store_pool; /* Optionally, check the cache and return if found */ if ( flags & MCS_CACHEABLE && (yield = regex_from_cache(key, caseless))) return yield; DEBUG(D_expand|D_lists) debug_printf_indent("compiling %sRE '%s'\n", caseless ? "caseless " : "", pattern); store_pool = POOL_PERM; if (!(yield = pcre2_compile((PCRE2_SPTR)pattern, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, caseless ? PCRE_COPT|PCRE2_CASELESS : PCRE_COPT, &err, &offset, cctx))) { uschar errbuf[128]; pcre2_get_error_message(err, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); store_pool = old_pool; *errstr = string_sprintf("regular expression error in " "\"%s\": %s at offset %ld", pattern, errbuf, (long)offset); } else if (flags & MCS_CACHEABLE) regex_to_cache(key, caseless, yield); store_pool = old_pool; return yield; } /* Handle a regex notify arriving at the daemon. We get sent the original RE; compile it (again) and write to the cache. Later forked procs will be able to read from the cache, unless they re-execed. Therefore, those latter never bother sending us a notification. */ void regex_at_daemon(const uschar * reqbuf) { const re_req * req = (const re_req *)reqbuf; uschar * errstr; const pcre2_code * cre = NULL; if (regex_cachesize >= REGEX_CACHESIZE_LIMIT) errstr = US"regex cache size limit reached"; else if ((cre = regex_compile(req->re, req->caseless ? MCS_CASELESS | MCS_CACHEABLE : MCS_CACHEABLE, &errstr, pcre_gen_cmp_ctx))) regex_cachesize++; DEBUG(D_any) if (!cre) debug_printf("%s\n", errstr); return; }