-- File: exim.org.lua -- Zone: exim.org -- SOA record is automatically generated -- Variable _a is replaced with zone name -- _a = 'exim.org' -- NS records -- automatically added - these are just for history -- .exim.org::a.ns.bytemark.co.uk:21600 -- .exim.org::b.ns.bytemark.co.uk:21600 -- .exim.org::c.ns.bytemark.co.uk:21600 -- IPs we use local tahini_ipv4 = '' local tahini_ipv6 = '2001:630:212:8:204:23ff:fed6:b664' local hummus_ipv4 = '' local hummus_ipv6 = '2001:630:212:8::e:f0e' local main_ipv4 = hummus_ipv4 local main_ipv6 = hummus_ipv6 -- Standard TTL local ttl = 900 -- Basic A/AAAA records local a_record_names = { _a, 'www', 'mail', 'ftp', 'wiki', 'lists', 'bugs', 'docs', 'vcs', 'git', 'dev' } for val in values(a_record_names) do a_and_aaaa(val, main_ipv4, main_ipv6, ttl) end -- MX records mx(_a, 'hummus.csx.cam.ac.uk', 5, ttl) mx(_a, 'boom.graemef.net', 15, ttl) -- mx('bugs', 'hummus.csx.cam.ac.uk', 5, ttl) -- Mirrors etc - A and a few CNAME records a('www.ie', '', ttl) a('www.fr', '', ttl) a('www.congo', '', ttl) a('ftp.de', '', ttl) a('www.de', '', ttl) a('www.tw', '', ttl) a('www.pl', '', ttl) cname('www.no', 'spheniscus.uninett.no', ttl) -- Misc other services held elsewhere cname('buildfarm', 'eximfarm.krot.org', ttl) -- Delegation of testdns.exim.org for testsuite ns('testdns', 'nlns.globnix.net', ttl) ns('testdns', 'us0ns.globnix.net', ttl) -- SSHFP records under our administrative control. a_and_aaaa('hummus', hummus_ipv4, hummus_ipv6, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 1, 'cf99c484ef40cedf604f4250ed2e767491de9f52', 1, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 1, 'd5ec5ff09c6f410ece6b1cb17667baaec4dfcdf0f70bd9042dfdc5bed1ae004f', 2, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 2, '0b85b8f17ecafcfb0f2d4beae9d74bf37113daac', 1, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 2, '2048f5b5ed4471cca229e304c0f8ff166823697504d2d3a28f38f11dac80e1fe', 2, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 3, 'd8a0078138279834a2dae8ce9eb408671ba88045', 1, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 3, '20fb937eb9b87aec566dff0a97b31963a3f5dd7cbba9e205574ebc676e842dff', 2, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 4, '6c6eaf95c8242ea53791942717b0ed40e9e5db92', 1, ttl) sshfp('hummus', 4, 'bf4b9376f5fffe2b59a0948638df3b4d77d02da2cb8c44cbc90d0bf174f22e5e', 2, ttl) -- Google Gmail Postmaster Tools (this one for Phil): cname('nwkjs7zfnln6', 'gv-3umn6e3uwnaqo5.dv.googlehosted.com', ttl) -- dummy changes here to this record, to try to nudge propagation txt('_dummy-foo', '12345', ttl) -- end